Ghost Village

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~~~~(Katie's POV)~~~
I situate my bag that rests against my back, with the sash across my shoulder and chest. I feel small arms wrap around my legs, and look down to see Soji hugging me. I crouch to his level and hug him back.

"I'll be back Soji. You kids be good and listen to Kenji senpai." I say looking to the girls, getting nods in confirmation. I stand up, not bothering to look at the Shinsengumi or Saizo's gang. I made my way towards the temples stairs. "Come Kuroro."

Kuroro meows and jumps to my shoulder. I leave the temple and am entering the village. The villagers seem very lively today. I weave through the crowds and finally slipping into the forest. As I entered the forest, I have this feeling of being watched.

I continue to walk trying to shake this feeling, but it's not helping. Kuroro went stiff on my shoulder growling at the trees beside us. This confirmed that I was being watched. "Kuroro?" I look to the trees and see nothing, but I can sense there's something there.

"Who's there?" I shout, but am met with the breeze of the wind and birds chirping. "Whoever you are, show yourself!" That was probably the dumbest thing I could've said. The bushes rustle more as a figure walks out from behind a tree.

The figure turns out to be Heisuke with Entei on his shoulder. I was a little mad that he disobeyed my order, but at the same time, I'm honestly glad he did. I feel safer when he's around. "What are you doing here?"

Heisuke walks out of the bushes and onto the dirt road, brushing the leaves that had fallen on him.

"To make sure you stay safe." He responds. Wait! If he's here then does that mean....?

"All of you can come out now. No sense in hiding." I state and keep my eyes on Heisuke. Saizo and the Shinsengumi walk out from behind the trees, as Sasuke, Kortaro, and Goemon leap down from the tree tops.

"Why did you come?" My voice harsher than intended. Saizo steps forward and says,

"You shouldn't be out here in the open unprotected."  I can feel my anger rise once again.

"And why would you care? I'm not a child so your services aren't need anymore." I turn around to keep walking to mount Hiroshima.

"Katie just listen t-" Sasuke reasoned but I wasn't having any of it.

"What listen to you guys lecture me for being selfish? Not being the perfect princess that my mother once was? Well I'm sorry to disappoint all of you. I'm going after Mikki whether any of you like it or not. Now you can tag along or go back to the temple, the choice is yours." I finish my rant and turn around to keep my mind clear, sorting out the best plan that seems fit.

I hear the pounding of feet behind me as I keep my gaze forward. Neither of them spoke a word, which in turn I feel guilty.

'Don't fret child, they know you mean no harm.' I hear Akira's voice echo in my mind.

'I know but I still feel bad. I'm worried about Mikki, and it's my fault she was taken in the first place.' I sigh mentally.

'Your heart's in the right place child.' Her voice gave me comfort and reassurance. I smiled at the compliment. After awhile the sun began setting behind the trees, giving the sky a golden like glow.

Goemon built a fire while Kortaro makes dinner. The others just lounge around our makeshift camp. I sit by the fire, watching the flames dance in wonderful colors. Orange, yellow, a small hint of blue towards the bottom.

"Princess," I blink my eyes as a small makeshift plate of fish was presented to me. I look to see Kortaro with no emotion evident on his face. I take the food and place it in my lap.

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