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A.N.: Thank you Lumos5972 helping me to write this story.
"Okay, buzz off little sister, I'm off to find some intelligent company."
"Oh come off it Scorpius, you're five minutes older than me."
"Which therefore gives me significant authority over you. Goodbye."
Typical sibling banter from not-so-typical siblings. For they are the children of Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger-Malfoy. Two people who were most unlikely to end up together. Anywho, it would seem Scorpius has left his twin sister, Serena in the hall of the Hogwarts Express. She doesn't seem surprised that he deserted her. She saw that Hogwarts was the place where he could find some friends that would be interested in what he has to say, and not his gorgeous sister. She decided to take this opportunity to go find some friends of her own. She walked by multiple compartments with students who already seemed to know each other. Finally she saw a girl in the last compartment who was simultaneously playing with her kitten with one hand and trying to get a WiFi signal in the other. Since this girl appeared to be alone, she decided to walk in.
"Is there anyone else sitting with you?" Serena asked.
" Nope, just me and Gus." The girl replied, gesturing to her cat.
" Would it be alright," Serena inquired "if I sit with you?"
"Of course!" The girl said "I'm Gillian!" She said as she stuck out her hand.
" Thank you. I'm Serena!" She said as she shook Gillian's hand.
"Let me guess..." Gillian said inspecting Serena's features "a Malfoy, I would say."
"Very good!" Serena said giggling.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
" Come in" Gillian called, almost as if she were singing.
"Hey Gill!"
A young boy their age, walked into the compartment. He plopped down his things on the opposite bench and sighed.
"How was the drive Al? I'd bet it was cramped with everyone on that little car." Gillian asked the boy.
"It was fine except for Jame punching me in the arm every few seconds. And Lily whining as she has to wait another to get to Hogwarts. But yeah, it was fine." He answered.
"Aren't you going to introduce me to your new friend?" He then asked, looking over at Serena.
"This is Serena. Just met her." Gillian told him.
"You're a Malfoy! Gill. Really you had to make friends with a Malfoy?!" Albums said, panicking.
"And you're a Potter!" Serena started to yell.
" DOES NO ONE REMEMBER THE LONGBOTTOM?!?!?!" Gillian screamed, as Gus sprinted under the benches."Calm down! Are we going to repeat our parents lives? No! We are our own people! Jeez..."
As Gillian started to calm down, another knock came at the door.
"I'll get it." Serena said, knowing exactly who it was. "Hello Scorpius. Everyone, this is Scorpius, my twin brother. Scorpius, this is everyone. That's Gillian, and that's Albus." Serena said as she gestured to each of them in turn. " Let's all calm down and be civilized eleven-year-olds." She finished.
And so was the start of a great friendship.

Serena Malfoy {Harry Potter Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now