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The following Friday, Gillian was allowed to stay over, in Serena's dorm. The other Slytherin girls in the dorm weren't that bad, and accepted that even if they tried, Gillian wouldn't leave, so they just went with it. It was around 10:45 when Scorpius passed out on the couch in the common room, so Albus picked up his friend, said goodnight to the girls, and trudged up that stairs. Once they were sure Albus had closed the door, Gillian asked,
"Sooooooooo, do you think he fancies me? Scorpius I mean."
"Not sure why you'd want him too!" Serena giggled at the thought of her best friend dating her brother.
"Well, he's smart, and weird, and funny, and-" Gillian was cut off by Serena.
"Alright, I'm going to stop you there, 'cause by the looks of it, you could have gone on 'til Christmas."
They both started laughing, and Gus, who Gillian had been petting, hopped of her lap, startled from the noise, which only made them laugh harder. Once they had stopped giggling, Serena put on a serious face, and asked,
"Speaking of boys, I have quite the dilemma."
"By what means, m'lady?" Gillian giggled.
"Well,- Hey! What are you doing?" Serena asked. Gillian was picking up her knitting needles, and started working on a Gryffindor tuque.
"Well, whenever you talk about boys, it take awhile, and I need to get started on Christmas presents. You like it? It's for Sarah, then I'm going to make Maddison and Leah Hufflepuff glov-"
"Anywhoo," Serena started, "I have a problem. Two infact. And one of their names is Albus."
"Wait. You fancy ALBUS?!" Gillian nearly yelled.
"Does all of England need to know?!" Serena whisper yelled, looking around to see if anyone had come out to see what was going on.
"Sorry," Gillian whispered, "you fancy Albus?"
"Well... yes." Serena said.
"Oi! You know, now that I think of it, I SHIP IT!" Gillian squealed. "Now who is this second problem? Hmm?"
"Well, I don't exactly know his name, but when we were pranking Filch, which by the way, awesome idea with the whipped cream,"
"Good idea, with that Macarena!" They both giggled at the memory of the old man covered in cream, doing the Macarena, running after them.
"Back on topic now, he was the one who caught me, when we were running away. I think he's a 2nd year, Ravenclaw. He was cute, and he could have just let me fall, and get caught, but he didn't."
The girls continued to talk about Scorpius, Albus and that mystery Ravenclaw 2nd year, not knowing someone else was listening. Up behind the door the 1st year boys dormitory, was Albus, listening intently to the conversation.

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