Not So Secrets

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After taking in the strange scene, Gill and the newly dubbed Skor started giggling. Then chuckling. Then soon, they were doubled over laughing their arses off. After a few seconds, Gillian had slumped down on the wall, still laughing. Scorpius walked over too Albus and pulled him into the farthest corner of the library.
"Dude, what were you gonna tell me, before, you know..." Scorpius asked, looking down.
"W-what? Of yah, I was gonna tell you that Gill likes you." Albus said casually.
"Um, come again Sir, she what? Is your brain still mush? Serena's my sister! Get off it!" Scorpius said, waving his hand in front of Albus' face.
"No, I'm not bonkers. I heard her. That night she slept over in the Slytherin dorms with Serena, they talked about us. And Gill explicitly said she likes you." Albus said.
Too soon for Scorpius to process what had happened, Gill and Serena walked up to the boys. Gill took one look at Albus' smug face, and Scorpius' look of bewilderment, and knew exactly want happened.
"Why I oughta..." Gillian growled.

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