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The next few days went as usual, with prank planning, trying to come up with a new name, and whatnot, but there Albus seemed a bit tense, like he couldn't meet Serena's eyes.
"Al, you okay?" She asked, after three days of awkward silence.
"Wha- Yeah, I'm fine." He blurted out.
"Okay." Serena said, deciding she'd ask him what was wrong without Gill and Scorpius there, as something was most definitely wrong.
"Alrighty then, who wants cookies?!" Gill called, pulling a large jar of ginger cookies from her bag. "Rose made me these, after I paid for lunch, in Hogsmeade."
"Oh yeah!" Scorpius yelled, " That Rose sure knows how to make cookies."
"I know right! I used to go to school with her! We went carolling at Christmas once, and I ate an entire plate of these."
"Wait, why did you go to Muggle school?" Scorpius asked.
"Well, my parents wanted me to integrate in Muggle culture, so it would be easier when I graduate." She replied,
"Okay, cool." Scorpius said.
"Alright, let's get back on topic," Albus said, "coming up with nicknames."
"Yeah yeah, we know." Scorpius said.
"Well, we already have two," Gillian exclaimed, "you guys already call me Gill, and we've been calling him," she pointed at Albus, "Al, since we met him."
"Yes, so you two," Albus said pointing at Serena and Scorpius, "need nickname."
"Oh, I have one for Scorpius!" Gillian said excitedly, " how about Skor? Like the candy bar?!"
"Ooh, yes. I like that." Serena, giggling.
"Ok fine, but what even is a Skor Bar?" Scorpius asked.
"Wait, really? You've never had a Skor Bar?" Gill asked, shocked. "They sell them in the Muggle section of Honeydukes! I've got one in my bag." Gill started to rummage through her bag.
Albus took this time to talk to Serena.
"Soooooooo... I heard you ladies talking a few nights ago..." he muttered.
Serena did a spit take.

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