Evil Younger Siblings

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On  the following Monday, as the Mini-Marauders, (The temporary name for the group) were walking to Herbology, they heard two voices behind a tapestry. Gillian was intrigued, and pulled back the fabric, and saw Albus' brother James and her sister Marie, snogging. Marie screamed.
"Ha! What in the name of Merlin's stinky trainers are you two doing?!" Gillian giggled, "I'M TELLING DAD!!" Gillian started running down to the Greenhouses, laughing.
"Oh no you don't, you little git!" Marie yelled, and sprinted after her sister.
Serena giggled and watched Gillian evade her sister. James glared at Albus and said,
"I'll deal with you later..."
Albus, Scorpius and Serena just laughed, and ran after Gillian and Marie.

Once they got to Greenhouse 1, Gillian had already told her father, Professor Neville Longbottom, about what had happened with Marie and James. The Professor looked at Marie, and said,
"Please come see me before dinner, honey."
Gillian turned back at her friends and grinned evilly. She turned back to her father. He looked at her,
"Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Soldier." He said smiling.
"No problem, Sir!" She giggled, saluting her father.

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