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Two days after writing to both her parents respectably, she received a reply from each. It came at quite an inappropriate time, as she was munching on some eggs, and she nearly stabbed the letters with her fork. She opened the one from her mother first, being careful not to rip the owl sticker on the envelope.

Hi Honey!
Don't worry, I didn't tell your dad about that little problem of yours. I do have a bit of advice for you about the blokes. Try to get to know that Ravenclaw boy, and see whether you like him or Albus. I'm sure I'll regret giving dating advice to my eleven year old daughter, but, meh. Can't wait to see you at Christmas! Love you,

She finished her eggs, and Gillian looked over her shoulder and read the letter.
"What did you write her?" Gillian asked, her mouth full of sausages. As she had gotten up five minutes before breakfast she was still tired so she yawning every few seconds, flashing the half chewed sausage at anyone looking.
"Shut up, and... Oh, close your mouth, that's disgusting." Serena said looking away in disgust.
She then picked up the letter from her father.

Dear Serena,
I'm doing well, and I am glad you are as well. I am happy to hear that you have been focusing on school. I hope to see you on Christmas.
Yours truly,

Serena Malfoy {Harry Potter Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now