The Start

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Sasuke POV
I was driving home from a meeting with my father. I guess I can't call it home for much longer seeing as I have to break up with my love.

Naruto, soon I would never see him anymore. I love him I really do but having my father's company has always been my dream.

Even if I have to leave the one person I love and marry someone I don't. I then pulled up to the house where I knew Naruto would be waiting.

I slowly got out of my car and walked to the front door. Once inside I saw him sitting at the kitchen table.

"Hey love how are you." He said with a loving voice that would soon be filled with rage." Naruto I'm breaking up with you." I said with my head down.

"What? Why? I don't understand don't you love me anymore." He said as his voice cracked." No I do but to have my father's company I have to be with someone else." I said walking towards him as he got up to back away.

"A company. That's why you want to break up. 5 years Sasuke we have been together and you want to waste that!!" He yelled with tears streaming down his tan cheeks.

"Naru I-" "No you know what go have that stupid company and just leave me. I don't care anymore and you know what you can even have this fucken house!"

And with that Naruto packed his things and walked out of my life. We where 16 when we started dating and now at 20 I broke it off.

10 months later
Naruto POV

After the whole thing with Sasuke I moved with my parents and there I found out that I was pregnant with twins.

Now 10 months later I had a beautiful baby girl and boy named Hana and Haruki.

"Naruto will you ever tell Sasuke about them? He is the father after all." Sai asked me while playing with Hana.

"No... He left me for a name. A status... I well never let him near them." I said as I hugged my baby boy in my arms.

"He well find out some day you know that right?" Sai said with concern." Well I guess I just have to hide them." I said with determination.

😐😐😐 So how was it? I just had to write it I really did it's just that Naruto and Sasuke... Yeah anyways I hope you enjoyed this it was short but I'll try to write more next time bye❤️

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