Errand run

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3rd POV at store

Naruto walked around as he looked for the things he needed to get. While he was going around thinking about the recent events in his life he started to ask questions like 'Are me and Sasuke together?' ' Is he going to leave Sakura?' 'What about his f-' Naruto's thoughts where interrupted when he felt arms being wrapped around him from the back.

"Naru~" said a familiar voice.  Naruto immediately pulled away from him and swung around to come face to face with Sasuke.

"You can't do that in public." Naruto said as he went back to the shelves of food." Why not? It's not like the kids don't know." Sasuke irritatingly said to the blonde.

"Yes but you have one if not the biggest company in the world and I am the one who sets up half of my kids public events." Naruto explained as he looked at sideways.

"Any publicity is good publicity my love~" The raven said as he leaned down to kiss Naruto only to be meet with an empty space.

"Ok fine. How about your parents Sasuke? You know the ones that hate me." Naruto slowly started become more upset.

Naruto wasn't wrong of course the Uchihas didn't like him. Well it's more like they don't like the fact that Sasuke was welling to date another male. Itachi didn't really mind it. He did know Naruto even before Sasuke did. He was the only one to accept it.

"Naruto I wouldn't leave you I promise." Sasuke said." Hmm didn't you say that last time. Oh and look what happened you left us. All three of us." With that Naruto walked away.

-Back to the twins-

" Well that went bad." Hana said as she watched from afar her mom walk away angrily from her father.

"Well she isn't wrong. Father has the ability to just leave something to get something better. If anything he exactly the type of person they warn kids about in school." Haruki said as he filled a cart with bags of candy.

"Danm... I just realized Sasuke is a fuckboy... that's a horrible example of a partner." Hana shook her head in disappointment.

"Not like any of ex's are any better sis." The older boy continued " you and Mom have a type and that is fuckboys." He said as he placed more candy bags in Hana's arms.

".You are pointing out so many things today. What are we going to do about them Haru? Is it even worth it? Do they even love it other? Is it just us wanting a normal family? Why is it that your the most stable out of all of us?" Hana asked as her voice wavered.

"Hana it's not just us, they want a normal life too. They love it each other more then anything I can tell and I'm more stable then you guys because I don't mess around dobe." He said as he grabbed her hand and pushed the cart to a cash register.

"Hey bro bro can we get a dog?" Hana asked with a dazed look." I don't know, we'll ask Mom later." He said as they where paying for the bags.

"Why are you the only one who is in a stable relationship?" Hana asked once more questions.

"Because we got together before you and I became famous. Why are you asking so many questions?" Haruki stopped loading bags into the car and looked at his sister with concern.

"I'm trying to get a grip on my falling reality." Hana said with an oh shit face.

"Just get in the car Hana." With that they got in the car and waited for their parents to return.


Ok guys I know that was all over the place and probably the most shit chapter in this whole book but I've been really busy at the moment. Not just that but I'm taking one out of three final exams ( is it three exams Cinxder ?) anyway it's on Tuesday and I'm a little nervous wish me luck. Oh and if there is a good amount of people who comment saying that they don't like this chapter then I'll rewrite it later. Anyways bye have a good day.

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