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3rd pov

Sasuke throw himself on the couch once he had gotten home. He sat there as he rethought the events of the earlier days.

Seeing Naruto, finding out he had twins that were famous worldwide. Before he could even think more on it, he was pulled out of his thoughts by a friendly voice." Sasuke, hey! How did things go?" Sakura said as she stood in front of Sasuke.

"It went well." He said shortly."What's on your mind?" Sakura asked." How am I going to keep this a secret Sakura?" Sasuke's expression turned serious.

"Ha what do you mean Sasuke?" Sakura said as she took in a sharp breath." Sakura if my father finds out he might take the company back." Sasuke said as he ran a hand through his hair.

Sakura was shocked as she stared at her "husband". However the more she progressed what he had said the angrier she became. How could he say that? How could a parent try or even think of hiding their child? How could someone refuse their own blood and skin?

"You know I envy you Sasuke I really do. You have children Sasuke, I haven't even gotten pregnant and I'm 35!!" The pink head yelled as tears violently feel from her faces.

She had wanted kids of her own since the beginning. When Sasuke and her first got married she had thought that she could ask him to donate stuff just to at least have one kid. However that thought was shut down almost right away. She then tried to adopt a kid but he also refused that.

He refused the desire of a person wanting to be a parent. She has accepted it by now, but this, this was crossing the line."S-Sakura?" The raven said in shook." You know if you don't want them then I do because while you are here trying to hide them, I would happily put them under my last name. ThOSE KIDS ARE WONDERFUL AND YEAH THEY MIGHT BE ANNOYING BUT THEY ARE TEENAGERS. IF YOU DIDN'T WANT TO BE THEIR FATHER THEN I DO!!!" The woman yelled as tears fell from sadness and frustration.

"Hey I didn't mean it like that." Sasuke attempted to calm the raging woman down." No Sasuke you fucking did mean it that way. After all this time. After getting the company and getting your "happily ever after" you're still scared of what your family will think. You act like a cold hearted man but in reality your just a coward. I can't believe you Sasuke, that you would ever try to deny your kids and Naruto." Sakura glared at him.

"I love Naruto with all my heart. Don't you ever say that." Sasuke growled."No you don't. You can't deny those kids without denying Naruto himself." With that said Sakura grabbed her keys and left the home.

~ At the Uzumaki home ~

Sometime later Sakura found herself at the front door of a certain blonde.'What am I doing here? What if he doesn't even remember me? What if he hates me? I would break down Naru is- was my best friend'. Her thoughts only got worse as she dazed of.

"Sakura?" The girl looked up as she heard her name. Naruto stood there door wide open." What are you doing standing in the rain!?" Naruto said as he dragged the soaked female into the house.

"I can't believe you. Standing out in the rain. You can get sick from that you know." The blonde ranted as she Sakura stood there. Naruto had changed he used to be a goof who loved to cause trouble ,but right now he was acting like a mother scolding her child. Not with anger but concern. An emotion that the pink haired girl had never felt.

As Naruto looked for a towel Sakura began to cry silently." Hey, what's wrong Sakura?" Naruto asked as he walked to the girl." I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I-I ne-ver might t-to hurt-t you!!! I'm so sorry!!" Sakura sobbed violently as she tried to wipe her tears.

Right there and then she explained everything to him. From how she had found the kids to what Sasuke had said earlier. She felt horrible but she couldn't just not say what Sasuke had said. Naruto had to know even if he got hurt. He had to be prepared. By that time Naruto had moved both of them to the couch.

Where they sat as he tried to progress what she had said." Sakura everything is fine. I don't blame you and Sasuke is just Sasuke. Go to take a shower and change you can stay here." With that Naruto was left alone to his own thoughts.

How had he not seen it? He let himself trust Sasuke again and he was fooled again. Sasuke didn't love him or the kids. How could he? He hasn't see Naruto in years and barely meet the kids, it was foolish to think that he 'loved' them. He just wanted to fool around. That was what it was. Naruto felt angry. It was as if a scar has been ripped open.

Just when he was going to get Sakura's room ready he heard a knock on the door. He made his way to it and opened it only to see his son's partner." Hello Max come in. It's a bit late, what are you doing here?" Naruto questioned as he tried to seem calm." Well Haru hasn't visited me in a while so I'm visiting him." Max said with a grin." Well his upstairs in his room. Don't have to much fun." The blonde said with a grin." Can't make any promises." With that Naruto was left alone once again.


。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。 IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING. So I've been very busy with a project that just finished. It was a catapult project with a team. Guess what happened I did ALL of it and they wanted credit. Of course there was also an essay soooo I put that did everything. I don't even care if I get a bad grade. Anyway I'm sorry about the horrible schedule lately I'll try to be constant. Any why tell me your thoughts about this chapter I would love to know bye.

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