Surprise Baby Bubblegum

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I sat at the table with my boyfriend Marshall Lee. My vampire, rocks star boyfriend, yes since i was pink he tried to drink my color alot but he soon realized I wasn't food, I ate a forkfull of food before my stomach cramped, it had been happening all night, I looked at Marshall hiding my pain and continued eating, my food was mainly pink food such as ham and pink apples. I got another sharp pain and I felt like I peed myself "For the love of glob" I said getting up and walking to the bathroom, I looked in my boxers and saw that it was gunky but I set it aside as a side effect to the anti-sickness meds the doctor put me on a while ago when I started throwing up. I just put on my pajamas and went back to Marshall, he was floating clearly searching for something. Probably me. "Marshall I'm here" I said and he turned to me, he landed infront of me "Bubba, you okay?" He asked
"Yeah, just stomach cramps" I replied "Can we watch a movie please?" I asked, he responded with a nod. I chose a horror movie, me and my Marshmallow loved horror movies as we could cuddle.

It was halfway through the horror movie when I got a seriously sharp pain "AHHHH MARSHALL!!!!" I thought Marshall hit me again since he did that a lot, turns out he hadn't. I stood to find blood where I was sitting. I quickly ran to the bathroom and ran to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and cleaned the blood. Soon I was pushing thinking I needed to poop, I started screaming as it hurt so much. I heard Marshall outside the door. "Bubba let me!" I heard him shout. I heard something fall into the toilet and all of the pressure was gone, I went to stand but something held me down, I looked in the toilet to see a grey pink coloured baby. I screamed again and got the baby, I cut the cord and pushed the afterbirth out. After this I let Marshall in and he saw the baby. "Bubba...Is that my baby?" he asked. I nodded. He smiled and sat with me. "I think we shall name him Desmond Jelly Lee" I nodded in agreement. 

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