Mikayla and Tristan (AiAnimeCosplay)

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Mikayla was currently in full Italy cosplay outside, he rand her girlfriend Tristan had been trying for a baby and so far had no luck. Mikayla felt a sharp pain in her stomach "Mira I'm going inside I feel sick" Mikayla excused herself from her best friends filming and went inside. She ran herself a bath and got in, she stayed in the bath until it got cold and she had totally forgotten her pain. She got back in cosplay and redid her make-up and soon got ready for her kissing scene with Tristan who cosplayed Germany. They were a match made in heaven knowing Gerita was basically canon and Mikayla and Tristan were totally canon. Mikayla stood by the tree, the pain came back still not that bad. The day went on and Mikayla kept getting pains but she ignored them as non were bad enough. At midnight Mikayla woke up and went downstairs, the pains had picked up and she felt like she was being harshly poked with a sharp knife, she felt her pants become wet but didn't panic as she was known for having bad dreams and she peed herself when this happened so she went and changed putting her clothes in the wash immediately. She went and sat down watching a movie. At 5 Tristan came down for work to find Mikayla covered in sweat. "Mika you okay?" Mikayla nodded before groaning out of pain "Tristan help" She cried, Tristan ran over to her and pulled her pants down seeing blood. "Mikayla you're crowning" 
"I'm what?"
"You're having a baby"
"Tristan it hurts"
"You're doing well so far just push with the next pain"
Mikayla nodded and pushed with her next pain, that was the head out. The next pain was another push and there was the shoulders. The final push was a baby that started crying.

///////////4 years later//////////////////

"Sofia!!!!!" Mikayla shouted upstairs to their daughter while holding their 2 year old son Thomas. Sofia ran downstairs in her new school uniform and got her bag before heading out to Tristans car "Bye mommy!!!" Sofia yelled at Mikayla, Mikayla waved "By Sof"


I know it's not mpreg but I really like this couple and decided I would add them, please comment ships as this was my last idea

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