Chapter 7

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Heh... Thanks to the following people: 




You guys relate. Anyway, enough with my stupid banter, here's what you're all here for: 


Hawkeye's comfortable spot that he is webbed to

Literally Face Planting

10:23 A.M. 

"Not. A. Word." Clint snarled at the man snickering on the other side. At this point, Pietro was full out laughing his face off. Clint just huffed, annoyed. He tried to break out of the Spider's silk, only to not even move an inch. 

"What the fu-," 

"Ahem! Our dear Captain here, would not appreciate your bad language words, Clint." Iron Man said through his comm, trying to keep his amused laugh to a minimum. Clint definitely heard a chuckle that belonged to Pietro on the other side of his comm. 

"Go to hell, Tony." 

Tony gasped dramatically, as if Clint had just said the most disrespectful thing to him grown to man. 

"Steve! Steve! He told me to go to a bad language word! Arrest him!" Tony yelled. Clint flinched from the amount of noise the other man was producing in his ear. He couldn't take it out. His hands were webbed by that wall crawling bu- arachnid. Clint rolled his eyes at the kid's banter, yet respected it. 

"Hell isn't a bad word, Tony." Steve responded, his voice filled with amusement and snapping Clint out of his thoughts. He chuckled at the gasp the genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist let out. 

"Captain America! You just used a bad language word- what has this world come to?" 

"Tony, shut it." Steve muttered urgently, his voice changing it's tone completely. 

"No, no, Steve. I will not. I need to teach you a lesson to you kids about proper grammar-," Tony started, only to be cut off completely. 

"Iron Man, I've got visual on Spider-Man. I'm close to Pietro, I'm gonna help him. Tony you're closer to him, get him. Try not to hurt him. Hawkeye, location." 

"On top of that old abandoned apartment building." 

"Affirmative. Iron Man, you got Spidey?" Captain asked. 

"Ha, yeah I'll get him. And I'll do it right." Clint snickered at the thought of Tony against Spider-Man. When he was fighting the teenager, Clint noticed that Spider-Man was holding back an incredible amount of strength and reflexes. Nobody should be able to have that power, let alone a teenager. 

"Good luck," Pietro and Clint countered at the same time. 


Stark's flying location

Iron Man Suit 

10:31 A.M.

"Good luck," Pietro and Clint said in unison. Stark chuckled at the thought of being beaten by a teenager. The fact that he caught Pietro and Clint got him surprised, but nothing the playboy couldn't handle. He turned off his comm. 

"Jarvis, deactivate Comm system, and find the Spider." Tony said with a smirk on his face. He fought a whole alien army. He could take out a small spider-

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