Chapter 26

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Guys I am currently working on a SUPERFAMILY STONY SPIDEYPOOL fan fiction.

Please go and check it out. :')


Stark Tower

Medical Wing

12:34 A.M.

Bruce was typing ferociously on the computer as Wade rambled off what he knew. His eyes flashed to the computer as he typed and typed and typed. 

Logan just stared at the boy that was currently growling at him with a sinister smile. 

"So why's this boy tryin' to bite me?" he didn't take another step forward, but he stood his ground. Peter just responded with hissing and started flipping out. 


Seriously, he was going up and down on the bars, climbing on them with ease. 

Eventually, he found a suited area in the back corner, were he sat upside down glaring at everyone with shifting eyes. 

"Well, at least he's secured," Steve sighed, walking over to were Bruce and Wade sat. 

"Okay, I think that I found a solution. He as to experience or remember a physical or emotional trauma and relive that moment. That, with a huge amount of annoying and ear-shattering sound should set Peter free of the symbiote. Here's what I was thinking-," 

They think we are secured... Soon enough we will break free. They won't be able to separate us.

The real Peter was scared. Venom had a plan to stay with Peter, but Peter didn't want to stay with him.

Peter shifted out of his place on the wall, sliding down to the ground. He stayed in a crouching position, glaring at everyone else with a smirk on his lips. 

Clint gritted his teeth he did not like that look. 

Peter just let out a small laugh. 

He reached out, grabbing a sharp piece of broken glass he had previously broken out of. He started to slowly cut himself all over his face, torso, legs and arms. His body was already bruised and broken. His costume shredded, now bloodied with cuts. 

Everyone could only stare, horrified, as Peter continued to cut himself. 

Once he felt that he was satisfied with himself, he held his breath for a long while. Everyone gave him confused glares. 

A couple minutes of intense silence, Peter suddenly breathed out and in harshly. 

It sounded like he'd been in a fight, or had been running away from something. 

Slowly, still out of breath, Peter pressed two fingers onto his wrist. 

A webshooter suddenly appeared onto his wrist, coming out of camo mode. 

Peter gave them all a look of satisfaction before pressing one of many buttons on the webshooter. It was a small silence before: 

"Web-Head?  Why the hell are you calling me? I'm training!" Another teenage boy's voice yelled at him. In the background, Peter could just make out different yelling and grunting of other people training also. Peter just labored his breathing and pretended to be out a breath. A few seconds later, the same agitated voice came back, now only worried:

"Peter? What's wrong? Are you okay?" 

Nobody could talk. Nobody could find their voices as Peter said: 

"S-Sam," he breathed in, "I need you. Hurry, I can't get o-out. The A-Avengers have been compromised. Hurry! Bring whoever's training with you. Hurry! Please," Peter forced a voice-crack. 

"Don't trust any of the Avengers!" He stopped the play button before Sam could reply. Then, Peter sat back. Logan growled, crushing the empty beer in his hand. Three long knife like claws came out of his hands. He walked forward menacingly towards the arachnid. 

"You better start talking, bub," he snarled. Peter, from behind the bars, only shrugged happily. He looked at Logan with the most "don't-you-know?" face ever. 

"Didn't you notice? My old team is still very much loyal to their once-selfless leader. They won't hesitate to save me." 

Steve drew his hands up to his forehead in a distressed manner. 

"Pietro, Clint and I will go and try to negociate with them once they get here. Tony, Bruce and-uh- Wade, go and try to find an antidote that will work without the destruction of the tower." 


S.H.E.I.L.D. Academy 

Training Area 

1:42 P.M. 

Sam just narrowly missed a robot's arm from connecting with his back. Turning at the speed of light, Nova blasted the robot. It went down with a hard thud. 

Bed and Amadeus were just finishing with their robots. 

They were all out of breath, and were about to go get a late lunch when:

"Web-Head? Why the hell are you calling me? We're training!" He hissed. Interested, The Iron Spider and Scarlet Spider went over to see what their previous leader needed. 

Their leader didn't respond with words; but labored breathing. With alarmed looks, Sam asked:

"Peter? What's wrong? Are you okay?" There was a heavy silence. 

  "S-Sam," Peter breathed in, "I need you. Hurry, I can't get o-out. The A-Avengers have been compromised. Hurry! Bring whoever's training with you. Hurry! Please," Peter's voice cracked. 

Trading alarmed looks, the three boys rushed out of the S.H.E.I.L.D. Academy, finding nobody on their way out, and figuring that they shouldn't let Peter bleed out and die. 

When arriving, they didn't expect to see Captain America, Hawkeye and Quick Silver standing outside waiting for them. Skidding to a hault, Nova held up his hands, remembering his leader's words. 

"We don't want to fight," Steve said, holding up his hands in surrender. 

Sam hesitated, looking at Ben. Ben shook his head,

"Spidey said not to trust him," he whispered. With a edgy and menacing voice, he took a step forward and shouted : 

"Get out of our way, punk." 


Happy Halloween!

This work currently has 924 words!



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