Chapter 24

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Who are your 5 favorite YouTubers? 

Who is your least favorite? 

My answer: 

1. PopularMMOS

2. Markiplier\Jacksepticeye <Can't choose> 

3. ParkerGames

4. GamingWithJen

5._OhDeer_ <I know her personally> 

Least favorite = NightmareDrawz <Man she sucks!> ;u;



Meh answer. i t s l i t e r a l l y t h e e x a c t s a m e t h i n g 


12:32 A.M. 

Literally they are scattered. 

"What did you find?" Steve asked urgently, Wade and Clint stopped, listening intently. 

"I found webbing, it's new, because it's not even close to the dissolving stage," Pietro said, he sounded out of breath. 

"Location?" Steve asked in his I'm-still-old-and-act-like-Im-in-the-military-voice. 

"22 South Greenwood," Pietro answered. Steve gave a nod to Clint and Wade, whom nodded back. 

"We're on our way." 

"Nothing's here in Hell's Kitchen. I'm on my way, too." 


Wade was dragging his body to where Pietro and literally everyone else where waiting. 

"So many miles, after we find Spidey and fix 'em, Ima go and sleep and never wake up," he swore. 

Clint rolled his eyes at the mercenary.

"Let's follow the train of webbing," Steve said, walking through the water. <Uhh that's not water> (SHUDDUP)


The next time that Peter was actually aware of stuff and shiz, they were stopped in the sewer, in a large area, where the water deposited into oblivion. 

"Why did we stop?" Peter asked into the darkness. There was an echoing chuckle as the answer came: 

We are being followed. 

Peter's heart raced. Could it be Steve? Tony? Wade? 

"Then shouldn't we move?" Peter asked, trying to make Venom talk about it's plan. He hissed impatiently. 

Don't you know anything? Aren't you supposed to be smart? If they follow, then we will lead them straight to the base! Now tell me their weaknesses. 

Peter was silent before answering: 

"Who's following us?" 

The Archer, America, Deadpool, the Devil and the Speedy one. Now tell me their weaknesses. 

Thinking quickly, Peter said: 

"Clint always has arrows. Try to stay away from him at all times. He misses frequently. Steve, go for his torso, and do not go for his legs. Deadpool, honestly, just go hand to hand with him. Pietro, make sure that he stays on his feet. Daredevil, he's blind so he won't be able to notice you if you go slowly." 

We shall take this victory. 

Not 'we', only me. 


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