Chapter 14

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Nuff said .-.



New York

3:01 P.M.

Peter huffed. He tried to slow his shallow breathing, but it didn't work. He'd been falling off of skyscrapers, and he'd forgotten how much he'd missed it. He'd done too much too fast, but it'd been worth it. 

It had been a few days after his "break" and it just felt good to be back. He'd stopped only three muggings, and everything else seemed calm. Peter decided to lay back and be cool. 

Of course, Peter shouldn't expect less from New York City. 

He was relaxing, enjoying the slight breeze that soothed his skin. He sat there, looking upon his city, and he decided that he wouldn't leave again. 

Not again. 

His peace was soon disturbed. A middle-aged woman screamed in agony, and Peter was on high alert. By the sound of the scream, he could tell he was close. He jumped into action, swinging ferociously. 

Soon he appeared on a rooftop, that was next to a robbery. The police were already there, the new Captain yelling orders and demanding information. Peter swung next to him-he didn't bother with the man's name- and demanded for his own share. 

"What's the problem, Captain?" Peter asked, his senses on high-alert. The Captain looked at him with wide eyes. 

"Spider-Man!" he yelled, looking at the arachnid before him. "There is two hostages in there. We have not confirmed their identities." He informed. Peter nodded, shooting a web. With a tug, he left the Captain with, 

"I'll see what I can do." 

He climbed in the back way, and right away he heard the men in panic. 

"Dammit! The police are here; we're screwed." A man with a wolf mask snarled at the other. The other man was wearing a tiger mask. They both held bags Peter assumed were filled with money; in their other hand were small hand guns. 

Even though they were small, it took one bullet to end a life. 

Peter shifted his gaze to the corner. There were two hostages, a boy with black short hair that was in his late teens, and a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. She reminded him faintly of- 


All that did to Peter was make him want to succeed. He climbed up the wall, letting the shadows cover his body. He swung his web, catching on the Tiger's foot, and launched him at his pal. The man let out a scream of astonishment, and the Wolf only let out a small grunt. 

"Spider-Man!" The wolf hissed, pointing his gun towards the shadows. 

"Purr, purr kitty. Ruff ruff dog!" Peter quipped. He dropped down, kicking the Tiger in the gut. He knew right off the bat that the Tiger was less-experienced, and that he should be taken out first. The man grunted as he was knocked backwards. He growled deep in his throat as he charged at Peter, swinging his arms ferociously. Peter ducked and maneuvered himself swiftly. 

At the right moment, he decided to just web this guy up. He let his foot slide under the man's, making him fall to the ground with a thud. He webbed him up on the wall, admiring his work. 

His Spidey-Senses alerted him of the rain of bullets that were heading towards him. 

"I will stomp on you, bug!" He threatened. Peter groaned. 

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