Chapter 9

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A\N So guys I am going to record me typing this, I don't know just for an experiment. 

If you wanna, you can go check it out on YouTube. 

I will put a link to it once it's up. 

By the way, I have a late start today and so that means that I woke up at 4 A.M. For nothing. 

Oh well. That's life... I guess. 



New York City


10:51 A.M. 

"So we're really going to do this?" Clint asked, looking at Steve and Pietro in the eye. He and Pietro exchanged a nervous glance, and Steve stiffened next to him. 

"Spiderman?" Pietro asked, looking at him. Peter cocked his head to the side. "Prepare to get beat down to the ground." Clint felt like pace palming.

This man and his comebacks are torture to listen to. 

Spider-Man shook his head disapprovingly. He tisked, whilst waving his index finger back and fourth at the speedster. 

"Shame on you. You forgot the hyphen! Everybody forgets the hyphen." Peter shamed him. 


Pietro just started at him, a confused glare. 

"Enough with your jokes, Spider." Clint said, making a defensive position. Spider-Man shrugged, glancing at his three ex-idols. He used to look up to the Avengers. 

They used to be his heroes. 

He used to look up to them. 

Now he has to fight them. 

Peter was beyond nervous, sure he can take out Speedy and Birdie, but that was a one on one. 

Now there's Captain freaking America.

His jokes were loose and meaningless, just an excuse for some time. Peter breathed in slowly. 

"Enough with your tweets, bird." 

At that, the four superheroes rushed towards each other. 

Pietro zoomed forwards, going at erratic directions. He sped near the arachnid, far from him, and even circled him. 

To put a long explanation short, the plan was for Pietro to confuse him whilst Clint and Steve take him out quickly and cleanly. 

It didn't quite go well for them. 

Spider-Man deciphered their plan. Instead of going for Quicksilver, like all of them anticipated, he headed towards Captain America, his shield in hand. Steve looked shocked that Peter completely left Quicksilver behind, but masked his emotions quickly. 

Peter shot two strands of webbing on the ground behind Captain, one on the right of Captain and the other on his left. He backed up, making the webbing taught. He let go of his footing, launching himself towards Captain.

Steve could really move. He had two strands of webbing at both of his sides, so he decided to block the Spider's attack with his forearms. Peter landed on his forearms, with excellent balance. For the second that Peter was there, he said the the Captain: 

"Interesting," and he leaped off the next second. Clint, in the background continuously shooting the two with arrows. 

Whilst in his hand to hand combat with the American Emblem, Clint snagged him a few times. The arrows only skimmed him, but it still stung a bit. 

It snagged him a couple of times, like three. 

Speedie kept zooming forward and back. He tried to punch the boy a couple of times, only snagging him once. 

When he punched Peter, he stumbled back a bit, but his punch wasn't superhuman; it was sort of normal. And Peter was used to being punched. He got punched. 

A lot. 

Thanks a lot, Flash. 

Captain did land a few punching on him here and there. 

Now his punches stung like hell. 

On the first punch, Peter stumbled backwards, underestimating the power of his punch. He let go of Captain's shield. Steve launched himself forwards, grabbing the shield and tucking himself forwards, landing in a somersault then landing on his feet. Peter was agitated.  Peter kept on going though. 

He felt the bruises already. But he didn't go down due to the  gut punches, or the arrows. 

He  went down to the punch he took to the face. 

He was dodging, ducking, and everything he had to do, he was doing it. When Silver rushed past him, and kicked him in the kneecap. Peter stumbled, falling forwards. When he was about to leap up into the air, Captain brought this opportunity t punch him in the face. 


He launched backwards, letting out a small yell, and landing on the floor. 

Quick as lightning, there were people holding down his arms and legs. He felt a needle stab into his neck, and something flew into his blood stream. He kicked of Steve, who was holding down his legs. He also ripped free from Clint and Pietro. Automatically, he felt the liquid drain his energy from his system.  He delivered Cap a hard kick in the face, still holding back, but enough to make Capsicle launch backwards. Steve let out a small shriek and hit the ground with a loud thud, making Pietro and Clint flinch. 

With that, Spider-Man let the darkness engulf his vision. 

A\N So that's it. 







ill go. 


This took about 1 hour. xD

There is currently 850 words in this chapter. 



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