2 - N I A L L

502 21 2

N I A L L 

08:17 PM

Craving for hot chocolate, my stomach started making odd noises which of course caught the attention of Liam and Louis. I squeezed my stomach and puffed out an annoyed breath.

“I’m going for something to eat, maybe hot chocolate too” I said and stood up glancing at Paul and Preston assuring them that I’ll be fine and needed no one to babysit me.

“If you get stuck we’re not coming for you” Paul said raising his finger accusingly at me.

“Yes you will” I winked at him and turned around and unexpectedly bumped into a person. We were both about to fall down until I composed myself and held the person by the shoulders composing them as well. You know the cliché moments when you stare into someone’s eyes in the movies and it would be love at first sight? Yeah, it only happens in movies, you don’t really fall in love at first sight, that’s bullshit. But I did love the color of the unique hazel in the girl that was standing right in front of me with wide eyes still shocked.

“I’m so sorry” I finally let go off her shoulders and glanced away from her face, then back at her awkwardly rubbing my neck.

“No I-I’m sorry” she stuttered shifting on her feet awkwardly, dressed in black leggings and an oversized grey sweater that hovered her body until her knees, with grey ugg boots covering her feet. Her face was flushing red, as one arm was covering her stomach area, “S-Sorry to bother you, um, but can I have a picture” she questioned still awkwardly looking around trying not to meet my eyes.

“Of course” I beamed. I loved meeting fans, after all, they’re the reason we’re here right? She smiled and took out her iPhone, as she extended her arm to take a picture, I interrupted calling Paul, “Mind taking a picture Paul?” I asked smirking at the buff male – I know how much it annoyed him when he was asked to take the pictures.

Rolling his eyes, Paul got up and took the iPhone and stood in front of me and the female, while I hovered over her. I put my arm around her shoulders as she kept both her arms slumped down on both her sides awkwardly. She smiled at the camera and waited for the sound of the click. When it happened she smiled at me happily, “Thank you so much” she looked at Liam and Louis who were sitting glancing at me and the girl carefully. As if they read her mind they both got up and walked over to her smiling. She stood in the middle as both of the lads stood on each side of her with their arms around her shoulders, smiling at the camera, the picture was captured, “Thank you so much” she repeated, “It really means a lot”

“It’s alright love” Louis said and hugged her, as did Liam and I. Happily, the girl whom I didn’t catch her name gave us one last smile and a last glance at me and waltzed off happily.

I observed her as she walked with her head down and her shoulders slumped down – she looked like a little lamp.

“She’s pretty eh” Louis said nudging my shoulder pulling me from my thoughts. I turned around to the two boys who were both smirking playfully at me.

“Grow up” I huffed and punched Louis in the shoulder and turned around to walk over to one of the coffee shops that were available somewhere. I took out my iPhone and scrolled through twitter reading what’s on my timeline and smiling to myself at the encouraging tweets people had, and chuckling at the perverted ones. I was a massive fan of my own fandom; they were some dedicated precious people for sure. And from time to time, I indeed enjoyed the occasional rumors. They were really creative.

Looking up from my phone I noticed I passed a coffee place. Face palming myself, I turned around and walked over to the coffee scented place. Glancing at the sign, it read Gloria’s Jeans. Walking inside, I went up to the cashier, a few people sat around enjoying their occasional hot beverages, but there was no line I needed to wait in. Reading the menu, I decided I’ll just get a cup of hot chocolate and two cupcakes – since they had no sandwiches.

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