15 - L I A M, L O U I S

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12:03 am

“What now?” Micki asked, glancing awkwardly at me while I was lying down on the floor staring at whatever was ahead of me. Literally nothing.

“What?” I asked not looking at her.

“What should we do now Liam?”

“We won’t meet again” I said, feeling the nothingness I’m staring at. Is it weird to care about someone who you haven’t known for long? That question lurked at the back of my brain. Why do I feel so close to Micki? She’s engaged, she’s leaving to another country, and we have nothing which ties us together.

“I know” is all she said. She lied down on the floor beside me, resting her back on the edge of the metal chair behind her. Our shoulders touched and I could have sworn I felt monsters take a black flip in my stomach.

My lips were still swollen from the kiss we shared. I know she regretted it, I could read it all over her complexions. But I didn’t regret it, and I wanted to grab her right there and then and kiss her with all the passion I had.

But there I was, sobbing internally at the fact that Micki and I were not meant to last. We weren’t even meant to meet. It was just a coincidence, and a storm.

But we did meet, and we should meet again.

“You shouldn’t have kissed me” Micki whispered looking at the nothingness I am looking at.

“I know”

“I’m engaged”

“No, you’re not”

As soon as I let the sentence slip out of my mouth, I regretted it. The hurt that passed over Micki’s face pained me physically and emotionally. Her face twisted in pain, she was going to break down crying any minute. Getting up immediately, she walked away from me.

I stayed there in distress wondering whether I should run after her or stay glued on the floor. I then noticed Niall running after an upset looking Jackie and got up. Running after Micki, I couldn’t believe the shitty sentence that dared to leave my mouth. What was I thinking? I didn’t really mean it.

I didn’t mean to hurt her and remind her of what her douche of an ex fiancé did to her.

I didn’t hesitate in opening the ladies’ bathroom door. Walking inside, I saw a distressed looking Micki hugging her knees to her chest and crying her eyes out on a corner on the floor.

Pain tugging at my heart, I kneeled beside her and started apologizing.

“I’m sorry Micki, I truly am. It was shitty what I said” Micki didn’t even look at me; she kept her head dug between her knees.

“Go away!” she replied with chocking sobs.

“I’m so sorry!”

Not receiving an answer, I didn’t leave but sat facing her waiting for her to stop crying. I was afraid that if I touch her she’ll pull away from me or slap me. Either ways, I kept my hands to myself.

“All guys are the same, fucking asshole” she mumbled but I heard every single word she said.

I did not reply. Although, I lunged forward towards her and hugged her tight. Micki of course tried fighting against my forced hug, but to no vail I kept holding on to the fragile girl who was trying her best to be strong. Finally, she gave up hitting and pushing me and cried more on my chest.

“I’m so tired Liam” she sobbed on my chest, “I love him so much. How could he do this to me? How? What could I have possibly done wrong? Was I not good enough for him? Will I ever be good enough?”

I once again had no response, you’re good enough for me, I wanted to say as I hugged her even tighter.




“I-I shouldn’t have done that” Lisa stuttered and got up, caressing her skirt. Grabbing her bag, she started walking away from a dumbstruck me, or was I love struck?

Two seconds of gaping at her, I got up and stumbled on my feet as I ran after her. “Lisa” I called out, finally reaching her pace.

“No, no, go away” she shook her head frantically, pulling a few strands falling on her head behind her ear, as her hands shook.

“Why?” I stopped in my tracks clearly hurt.

“I- I…” she went quiet and stared at me in disbelief. Opening her mouth, she began to say something, but closed it back again clearly hesitating. Without a word, she turned around and started walking faster.

Stumbling on her long skirt, she fell on her knees on the floor hard. I could hear the voice of her fall echo throughout the airport.

Without thinking, I ran after her and saw that she was… sobbing.

“W-what’s wrong?” I asked rather confused that she was crying. The fall must not have been that bad. “Are you alright? Does it hurt?” I touched her knee tenderly.

Pushing my arm away, she shook her head and carried on sobbing, “I’m fine, it doesn’t hurt”

Ignoring the feeling at the pit of my stomach when she pushed my arm away, I asked her again, “What’s wrong then?”

“You!” she said a matter-of-factly as if it was as clear as how different oranges are from apples!

“What?” I slumped on the floor confused.

“You’re not in my plan, you weren’t supposed to meet me, and I wasn’t supposed to kiss you!” she waved her hands frantically, “I’m going to Uni, I’m going to study and be successful. You’re not in the plans I have already made Louis”

“You regret kissing me?”

Lisa didn’t reply for a few seconds – but it seemed like hours – before her mouth opened and… “Yes!” was the only thing that came out. If I wasn’t staring at her mouth moving, I would have thought my ears were failing me.

“Oh” was the only thing I was capable of speaking.

What could I possibly even reply to such a thing? I enjoyed the kiss, and would just do it again and again nonstop. But here Lisa crushed my dreams. What’s the use anyway? I wasn’t going to meet her ever again because of her idiotic idea of a fucking story!

How can someone plan their lives according to a story?

No, how can someone already plan ahead of what is going on. I was a shock to Lisa’s life evidently, and she wasn’t accepting it. She was just going to push me away from her. And I am going to oblige and… walk away!

Exactly like she wants.


HI! Sorry I did this in two points of view because both were short, so wasn't worth making two different chapters! :) Hope you like it, dedicated to my babe @famtaq as usual :* 

Oh and the gif at the side, Liam going down and taking Louis with him - always cherish this ;) 


H x 

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