3 - L I A M

404 17 8

L I A M 

08:30 PM

“You’re cheating” I whined and scrambled the cards on the floor and huffed annoyed, “That’s not fair”

“I’m not cheating, you just can’t admit I’m better than you” Louis smirked and bent his back on the edge of the metal chair as we were both sitting on the floor playing Go Fish – and so far, with cheating, Louis was winning.

Getting up on my feet, I dusted invisible dust off my black jeans, “Paul he was cheating, wasn’t he?” Paul rolled his eyes at our childish behavior and shrugged his shoulders uninterested in the scene. “Whatever” I groaned, “I’m going to call mum and tell her I’ll be late apparently yeah?” I addressed Paul and Preston as if asking permission to move from the area. Both body guards nodded and I walked away looking for a payphone, since my number wasn’t working in LA.

Finally spotting a group of payphones, a woman was standing in one of the booths as I approached the booth beside her, I could clearly hear her crying. I did not mean to eavesdrop on a stranger’s conversation, but I couldn’t help the curiosities that build up in me. I wanted to know why the blonde girl was crying. Pulling the phone to my ear, and dialing random numbers, I pretended to be waiting on line as I heard what the woman beside me was saying.

“You have the nerve to do it on the phone you bastard, you don’t even have the guts to do it face to face with me?” she let out another sob, “You know what, fuck you! I hope you enjoy your New Year asshole” slamming the phone, she turned around and stared at me with red puffy eyes, “You should learn better than to listen to other people’s conversations” she extended her hand and pulled out the OUT OF SERVICE sticker that was placed on the phone’s screen.

Mentally, I slapped myself as I ran after the blonde, “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to –“

“Men are all the same, insensitive assholes” she commented rubbing her makeup free eyes, “Please leave me alone” she kept on walking on speed, finally I stopped in my tracks and smacked myself with the palm of my hand.

“Stupid” I mumbled to myself. Walking back to the payphone, I dialed the code of London and the familiar digits of my mother’s phone number, and waited the several rings.

“Hello?” The other end of the line spoke revealing the kind voice of my dear mother. I feel awful I am going to be late for the party she’s been planning because of a stupid flight.

“Hey mum, it’s Liam” I spoke up, “My flight has been delayed seven hours, I might be late” I passed my free hand through my hair – that has fully grown by now – “Sorry mum!”

“Oh” she sounded disappointed, “It’s alright baby, it’s not your fault” I can sense she was trying to be cheerful for me.

After several apologies from me and a few it’s alright, from my mother, I hung up the phone and turned on my heels to only be face to face with the same blonde that was crying. Her blue eyes were no longer red, and her eyelids were full of a dark color of eyeliner which showed the beautiful blue even clearer.

“H-Hey” I stuttered unsure to why I am suddenly nervous in the presence of this simple blue-eyed girl. I stumbled upon many girls for the past three and a half years, yet this one made me feel nervous.

“Liam Payne is it?” she mumbled so low that I barely heard her. Nodding in response, she moved backwards so I could come out of the small booth, “I wanted to apologize for screaming at you a while back, I was a bit mad” she rubbed her forearm clearly blushing out of embarrassment.

7even Hours [o.d]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora