12 - A L L

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11.45 PM

“Spin the bottle” Niall suggested. The five lads and girls were slumped on the floor bored thinking about what more is there to do in an empty airport. After being caught by security – Paul and Preston took care of it – they ended up just staring at space for ten minutes hoping someone would come up with a smart idea.

“That’s a great idea” Autumn said enthusiastically, as always. She was resting her head on Harry’s lap, while Harry was feeling damn comfortable to that gesture. She got up from her place and crossed her legs together, “Huddle up, come on”

Everyone grunted in response, nevertheless they moved and made up a circle. Harry stretched his hand and got his bag off the metal chair and took out a water bottle from it, and threw it in the middle of the circle. Liam grabbed it and spun it once, the tab landing on Louis; he smirked knowing he’s going to make the person torture. Liam spun the bottle again, the tab landing on Liam himself.

“Shit” Liam mumbled as he looked at Louis’ smirk. He was familiar with Louis’ dares and truths. He couldn’t even choose which one was going to embarrass him less. “Dare” Liam said daringly, most of it was just to impress Micki in reality. He didn’t want to sound as a pussy in front of her.

“Ah” Louis grabbed his chin and looked upwards into space making – as he called – his thinking face, “Call up Ruthe and tell her what happened with Leanne in her room when you were sixteen”

“What? No way!” Liam exclaimed terrified at the idea. He has been hiding that incident very well.

“Do it ya wuss” Niall said laughing out loudly, Jackie silently admiring his laugh.

“Fucker” he mumbled, “My phone doesn’t work here” he hoped that excuse would work.

“Mine does” Harry handed him his iphone. Damn you Harry Styles! Where were you when I was trying to call mum?  Liam thought to himself begrudgingly. Liam took Harry’s phone and dialed his sister’s number, and waited as it rang for three times. He was about to hung up, hoping she never replies. But she did in the last second. Louis smiled in triumph.

“Hello?” Ruth said at the other end of the phone, Liam putting it on speaker as Niall signaled.

“Hey, it’s Liam”

“Hey Liam” Ruth called out happily; oh she’s going to be so happy when she finds about to Leanne.

“I have to tell you something um” he started, his face flushing red, “Remember that one time when you were going to camp with your friends when I was sixteen?”

“Uh… should I?” she asked confused.

“Well, you didn’t go camping, and came home early… Remember Leanne? Well we kind of, might have, did it in your bed…” He said, as everyone in the group covered their mouth trying not to laugh out loud and be busted.

“Did what?” she was still confused.

“You know… things you do after snogging…” he trailed off. The wrath was coming he could feel it.

“LIAM JAMES PAYNE, YOU DID WHAT IN MY BEDROOM?” she screamed in her phone frantic, as Liam pulled away the phone, “OH MY GOD, I KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG! OH MY GOD YOU DIDN’T CHANGE THE SHEETS DID YOU LIAM?” he could already picture her running around the room throwing the sheets away – even though these were obviously new sheets by now. “LIAM NO! MOM”

“DON’T TELL MOM” Liam screamed in the phone, “RUTH!”

And the phone was cut off.

“Thanks a lot Louis” everyone burst out in laughter, including Paul and Preston who were obviously observing the interesting game. Micki was holding her stomach tightly as tears fell on each side of her face from laughter. He wasn’t sure if he was happy he made her laugh, since she was not laughing with him but instead at him.

Liam grunted and spun the bottle again ignoring the laughter that wasn’t dying down. The bottle cap pointed at Chloe, she grinned hoping she had Zayn. But instead the next spin was on Autumn.

“Dare” Autumn said smirking. She was not afraid of dares, she did everything and anything.

“Um, lift your tank top” Chloe knew that was going to get most of the boys around here damn happy. Autumn shrugged as if it was unimportant and she’s already done it a million times before. She lifted her shirt off, revealing her breasts that were covered with a black bra, and a flat stomach.

Jackie shifted beside Niall and placed her arm around her stomach covering it. All the boys hooted and whistled happily, including Niall.

“You got some guts ay” Chloe winked in Autumn’s direction.


Harry’s alarm went off suddenly interrupting the game. They all glanced at it, while Harry read off the time, “It’s two minutes to New Year’s” he exclaimed. Everyone shifted uncomfortably. Two minutes to New Year’s.

Liam could have been at his mother’s party already. Louis could have been watching a movie alone with snacks. Zayn could have been snuggling his pillow and sleeping in his almighty comfortable bed. Harry could have been clubbing with his friend Nick Grimshaw as always. Niall could have been watching the fireworks from his balcony grinning at the beautiful image.

One minute to New Year’s Eve.

Chloe could have been getting ready to for her new life at college adjusting to her dorm room in Australia.  Jackie could have been already enjoying the food they served in Paris with her family. Micki could have been snuggling to Kevin – if they hadn’t broken off so unexpectedly. Lisa could have been exploring her dorm room as well, because university was all that mattered to her. Autumn could have been practicing already for her tournament.

Ten seconds to New Year’s Eve.

Brown eyes stared into a beautiful hazel colored eyes. Piercing blue eyes stared at the non boring hazel eyes. Chocolate brown eyes started at a sea of blue eyes. Similar colored eyes, yet so different stared into each other. Sea green eyes staring at a shade of hazel eyes.

Each pair of eyes studied the other’s pair. The couples couldn’t take their eyes off each other.

Two seconds to New Year’s Eve.

Niall couldn’t help but stare at Jackie’s plump lips and lean down and crash his lips hastily on hers. Louis was dying to take off Lisa’s glasses, but they teased him staying on her nose, nevertheless he leaned and kissed her immediately ignoring the annoying pair of glasses blocking the beautiful color of her eyes. Liam knew so badly that Micki was off limits, but that didn’t stop him from crashing his lips against hers before she objected. He just wanted to taste her. Zayn has known this girl for only hours, and here he was dying to get his lips on hers – he didn’t hesitate for one second. Harry knew lust is what brought him to Autumn, but getting to know her was the best thing that has happened to him as he leaned forwards and grabbed her face between his hands and dug in for the kill.

Each and every one of them –as cliché as it sounds – felt fireworks and goose bumps run throughout their bodies through the seconds of their special bonded kisses. That’s all what it needed for them to know they were special for each other.


Spin the bottle/ Truth or dare, how cliche xD Sorry had to put it up there! :) This was my favourite chapter writing, I liked putting up how it feels like to kiss each other. I know it seems soon, but they're spending one night with each other and they're off. Stranger danger whoa. 

Hope you all enjoyed it though, please do comment and vote if you did. It really means a lot! :) x 

Lot's of love, 

H x 

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