The Proposal?? (Aarmau)

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Aaron's P.O.V:

I was coming home from work and Aphmau was already home waiting, but before I got home, I had to get something from the ring store. I had already ordered it to be made a few weeks ago and now I had to pick it up. I went in and I paid the lady and the desk. I got in my car and started to drive home.

*Time Skip*

When I got home it was 5:00 pm so Zane was over watching TV with Aph so I couldn't get her alone. I walked in and smiled she they were both asleep, Zane on the floor and Aph on the sofa. I pick Aph up bridal style and took her up to her room and when I came back down stairs Zane was awake.

"Where's Aphmau?" He asked concerned. I pulled the box out of my pocket and he understood what I was going to ask. He smiled and left. I had asked Laurance to come over and cook us a romantic dinner for us instead of going to a restaurant and putting pressure on Aph. Laurance was almost done when I heard Aph waking up.

Aphmau's P.O.V:

I must have fallen asleep while watching my little horses because I had woken up in my bed. I looked around and saw Aaron at the door.

"Hey." He said quietly. I smiled.

"Hey! Um... did Zane go home?" I asked. He nodded his head and then his phone went off.

"Hey can you wait here quickly I need to do something." She asked before running downstairs and out the door. I had the feeling he was cheating on me. I sat down on the bed and felt like I was going to cry. Then out of no where Katelyn smashed the window.

"MY WINDOW!" I screamed. She pulled a face then sat next to me.

"What's wrong Aph?" She asked hugging me. I felt tears sliding down my face.

"I-I think A-Aaron might be cheating on m-me..." I cried. I saw Katelyn clench her fist. She got and ran downstairs.  

"HOW DARE YOU!" I heard her shout and then silence.

Aaron's P.O.V:

"HOW DARE YOU!" I heard Katelyn shout at me. She looked around and saw the ring on the table. "Ohh~ That makes more sense. Good Luck, treat her well...Or else" And with that Katelyn was gone.

"Everything's done. Good luck dude." Laurance wished me luck and then left. I went back up stairs and saw Aph crying.

"Hey babe... what's wrong?" I asked hugging her. She cried onto my shoulder and she looked up at me serious.

"I want you to be straight with me here okay?" She stated. I nodded and she continued. "Are you cheating on me?" She asked and I was in shock.

"Aph why would you think that? ... Oh wait was it earlier when I got a text and you heard the door open?" I asked. She nodded and I started laughing. "That is part of the surprise I have for you down stairs. Follow me!" I took her hand and led her down stairs. When we got downstairs she was amazed. 

"Wait did I forget something?" She asked panicky. I laughed again and shook my head.

"No babe. It is a special day for us..." I couldn't wait any longer I got down on one knee and asked, "Aphmau, Will you marry me?" But before I could get and answer everything started fading away. I woke up on my desk at work wondering what happened.

"AARON YOU FELL ASLEEP, AGAIN! NEXT TIME YOU WILL BE FIRED!" My boss shouted from outside. I got back to work and then went home.

'I think I will wait a while until I ask the question.'

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