Her pain (KallieXKatelyn)

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I forgot that I said I would do some Insane, Yandere, etc kind of oneshot. So here it is.
Broken!Kallie X Katelyn.

Katelyn's P.O.V:

Everything was fine a couple of weeks ago. She didn't hurt anyone, but they still hurt her. I guess what really set her off was Mizzy leaving. They were best friends Mizzy would be there for her when she was bullied, someone broke her heart, her parents fought. You name it, Mizzy was there. But that day Mizzy went on the holiday with her family, she left saying one thing to me.

"Look after her for me, she's unstable."

That plane crashed... the only death was Mizzy. Everyone made it out of the plane safely, but according to her parents and siblings, Mizzy slept through the plane ride and blow up with the plane. No one knew she didn't get out until after it blew up. Telling Kal after the holidays broke my heart, but I didn't know this would happen!

When she said unstable, I didn't think she meant murderous unstable. Ivy, Ivy's two friends and Ein are all dead! She killed them all! And everytime was when I walked past. Is she after me next?

"Katelyn~! Come out, come out where ever you are~" She giggled. I was hiding in the lockers. First place any killer would look is a closet at home or a locker in school. Luckily every victims she has killed has never tried to run away. They never knew they were being followed. I heard someone else call for me.

"Katelyn! Where are you? We need to leave the school before it goes into lock down." It was Aphmau. She seemed worried. Kallie walked past the locker again and stood in front of Aphmau. "K-Kallie? We need to get Katelyn and get ou- wait..." Aph suddenly stopped talking. I saw Kallie take out a knife with blood on it. Aphmau scream before running our leaving me in the locker next to Kal.

The alarm for the schools lock down started blaring and caused me to cover my ears. Kallie started panicking and punching random lockers before backing up into the corner holding her head screaming.

"It wasn't my fault! She died but it wasn't my fault!" She cried. I couldn't just watch her have a mental break down. Even though it was Mizzy's job, Kal was my friend and I need to look after her like Mizzy asked. I slowly opened the locker and walked over to Kallie. She didn't pay attention or realise I was there, until I hugged her protectively.

The police were walking through the halls looking for her, and she knew it. They were walking up the stairs and which is when she looked at me with sorry eyes. "You have to trust me, okay?" She mumbled. I nodded and she put her arm around my neck and held a gun to the side of my head. The police saw us and suddenly stopped.

"Look Kallie, let Katelyn go and come with us quietly." One of the officer tried to bargin with her. Kallie brought me back to her until it was like a protective hold. I looked at them and they stepped back slightly.

"I didn't do anything! I didn't hurt anyone, I wouldn't! The killings at the school happened before Katelyn told me about Mizzy! I know who killed them all, I was trying to keep them alive! But they all died!" She let go of me and started crying again. A couple police officers grabbed me and the other ran over to Kallie and cuffed her. She started struggling and screaming she did nothing wrong.

I saw someone around the corner smirk and ran away. I broke free from the officers' grip and ran after the person. They continued running but I caught up but couldn't get close enough. I jumped up the wall and kicked the person to the floor. I stood on them until the police ran around the corner. The police picked the person up and it was Sasha. She laughed slightly before the police took her away.

They uncuffed Kallie and she ran over to me. Tears ran down her face as she thought of everything. "Sh.. it's okay Kal, your with me now... Your okay babe." I comforted her. She cried on my shoulder and I hugged her protectively. "I made a promise to look after you, and I always will." I promised her. She calmed down and she looked up smiling at me.

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