[15] Firewhiskey

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Finally, after what seemed like the longest two days of the fifth years' lives, it was the day of the Transfiguration exams. When Aisling woke up at six that morning the common room was much busier than it usually would have been so early. In stark contrast to the three or four Gryffindors who could usually be found there on a morning, the common room was packed with students sitting around tables and poring over textbooks. From one quick glance around, she could see that every single person in the common room was a fifth year. Whether this sudden studiousness was due to panic or motivation, she didn't know. But one thing she did notice was that, despite the common room being almost as full as it was in the evening, Sirius was nowhere to be seen.

She and Sirius were thankfully back on speaking, and flirting, terms. Although she was becoming all the time more aware of the withering glares she was receiving from girls in her year whenever Sirius called her 'Buttercup', now her official nickname apparently, or winked at her in the corridor. It would appear that being the recipient of Sirius Black's affections didn't make you all too popular with other women.

She flung herself down on a chair and opened up her Transfiguration book. But, no matter how many times her eyes scanned the first line of the page, she didn't seem to be able to take any of it in. Her brain was buzzing with all of the energy and anxiety that had built up over the last few weeks and was now reaching bursting point as she realised that she was so close to being finished with exams. She just had to make it through today without messing up and she would be done with O.W.L.s forever. With this in mind, she concentrated once more on her Transfiguration book which, to her relief, now seemed a lot easier to read.

Sirius woke with a start at quarter past six and was extremely disappointed to find that, try as he might, he couldn't get back to sleep. After two minutes of trying, and failing, to make himself comfortable he decided that he might as well go down to the common room. He ran a hand lazily through his tangled hair and slipped on his robes before heading down the stairs. As soon as he got to the bottom, he realised why he had woken up so early. The place was absolutely packed, and rather noisy. There were about thirty students from his year including, to his delight, Aisling. She was curled up in an armchair reading a huge textbook with a look of intense concentration on her face. He sauntered over to her and stood in front of her for a second, watching her. She looked so cute when she was concentrating; he watched as her eyes darted across the page, and her lips moved slightly as she repeated spells to herself under her breath.

"What's up, Buttercup?"

She looked up at him, tucking the flyaway hairs from her long braid behind her ears.

"Hello trouble."

She smiled, and he noticed that her cheeks and nose were still slightly rosy from sleep. God she was adorable.

"I think you'll find my name is Galileo, thank you very much." He said indignantly.

"A person can be more than one thing," she paused, "moron."

Smiling mischievously, she returned to her book.

"So, what's this then?" He asked, flopping down into the chair opposite her.

"Well Sirius, this is a book. Some people like to read them sometimes, y'know?"

"I am very well aware of what a book is, you cheeky sod." Sirius replied quickly, a grin spreading across his face.

"News to me." She mumbled out of the corner of her mouth.

"I mean what are you reading it for?"

He was laid back in the chair now, long legs hanging over the arm.

"We have an exam today, in case you'd forgotten."

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