Just a joke - 12

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*Lilly's pov*

We just stood there for a while. The pain was much better than before. Deon's grip on me was very tight.

I think he was just the trying to control himself. And this lasted a week? It was going to be hard.

"Deon." I said while trying to pull back. "Deon. I need to get dressed." He loosened his grip. I slipped away from him and it hit me like a wall.

A fire wall. I whimpered. I looked at Deon. His eyes were very dark. I sighed. He looked me up and down and left the bathroom.

I got changed quick. I left the room with an icepack. One on my head and one in my hand.

Deon was sitting on the bed and Joe and Joli left the room. The door was locked.

What is it with locking doors anyway? Why is there so much privacy? Why can't people just accept who they are even with peo- what am I saying I always have the door locked.

I sat on a chair and put the other icepack on my stomach. "I really am trying my best. I truly am. But I can't hold him forever. Definitely not a week." Deon said.

"What?" I asked. "My wolf. He's going crazy. He wants to mate. He just wants to grab you an-" I cut him off. "I, get your point."

"Can I mark you?" He asked. "Excuse me?" I asked back. "It will stop the heat. And I don't know if I can hold him off from doing it much longer."

He was shaking a little. "No." I said. He growled. He was starting to get angry. He was shaking even more now. His wolf coming out.

"Please. He has other plans in mind for you." Deon growled out. He was shaking really bad.

'Just do it. You'll feel much better and you won't have sex today.' Raven stated.

'Shut up. No one asked you.' I snapped.

Deon stopped shaking. He looked over to me with black eyes. "No." I firmly stated. Although, I don't think that would work out too good.

He stood up and walked over to me. I was about to stand up when he pushed me down. He then held me down with his hand.

He was looking me up and down. I felt like was being eye raped. He growled. I tried to stand again and he pushed me even harder into the chair.

I really couldn't do much. I was in heat and it was a really bad pain. His wolf was in control and he was not about to be stopped.

I don't think us females were meant to stop this process. He just stared into my eyes and growled.

I sighed. I knew what I had to do. I put my head to the side. Deon immediately went to me neck. He sniffed.

Three. Two. One. I pulled my head back and head butted him. He fell back and I went to the door. I unlocked it and ran out. I ran to Joli. I knocked on Joe's door and Joli answered.

"Why did you leave him alone with me! And let me in. If you don't I will be raped. Literally." She quickly let me in.

"You said you were fine. I thought you were okay." She said. "Until he couldn't control his wolf."

"Oh shit."

There was a bang on the door. I'm sure it was Deon. Then the pain came back to me and I fell to the ground.

"How can you defend yourself when you can't even stand?" She asked. "Exactly. I can't." I looked up to her.

She sighed. The was another bang on the door. "He's going to break my door. I think you... Should... Just... Give in." She breathed out.

I looked up to her. "Are you out of your damn mind? No." I exclaimed. "Why the hell not? You guys have known each other for a month now. That is too much time for a guy you know."

I sighed. Maybe she was right. Maybe I just had to give in. Maybe I just needed to be with... Him.

There was another bang on the door. "Fine." I said gruffly. I stood and opened the door.

Deon was a few feet from the door. "Fine. Mark me." I swallowed. I breathed out a shaky breath.

Deon grabbed me out of the room. "Thank you." He breathed out. He quickly brought me to his room.

It was like mine but a lighter paint scheme. He locked the door. Of course. He set me on his bed. I looked at the ground.

His soft hand lifted my chin up. His eyes were normal. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"It's okay. I was just playing with you. Just a joke." He laughed and smiled. I held my confused expression.

"Are... You serious?" I asked. He nodded and laughed again. My confusion turned into anger.

His smile faded. "You are such! A... Dimwit." I rolled my eyes. I was very angry at him. I just didn't have the power to move.

He laughed. "A what?" I glared at him. "Your cute when your mad." He said. "I would punch you, but my arms aren't working. So just watch what you say for when this is over."

"Your arms don't work, you say?" He asked. I looked at him warily. What was in his mind. His idiotic mind.

He pushed me back on the bed and straddled me. "So you can't stop anything I'm doing?"

"What do you think your doing!" I was scared. I was breathing hard. "Why so scared?"

He leaned his arms on either side of my head. He was very close to my face. I closed my eyes. I didn't want to see what happened next.

He lips brushed against mine. The sparks were just... Unbelievable. I wanted more. No. I'm going to regret this.

'Just do it.' Raven pushed.

That convinced me. I pushed up and connected our lips. It was just unimaginable.

I swear, I think I just moaned. My arms came back to life and wrapped around his neck.

He pulled me closer, if that was possible, and deepened the kiss. When we separated, we were both out of breath.

"Okay... Kisses are on the list."


I love you all so keep flying my little birds!


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