Blood shower - 34

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*Lilly's pov*

"We did." I said. "We should wash off." I suggested. He nodded. I grabbed the soap. As I did that, I whispered in his ear.

"Happy birthday."

I rubbed the soapy bar over his chest. His abs. Those sexy abs. His back. I then pushed him under the water.

The streams of bubbly soap washed down his body. "My turn." He said. He stepped toward me. He grabbed the soap.

He started with my back. He slowly turned me around and started on my chest. Slowly soaping it up.

I then washed off the soap. I put my hair under the water and let the water clean my hair.

Deon stopped the water. I got out after Deon and he handed me a towel. I wrapped it around me. I went to walk out, but limped.

"Oh... It hurts. It's hurts bad." I slowly lowered myself to the ground. Deon grabbed me some clothes. He picked me up and sat me on the bed.

He unwrapped the towel. His eyes reached my mark. His eyebrows furrowed. "What's wrong?" I asked.

He gave me my bra. He probably doesn't know how to work it. I put my shirt on.

He slid my underwear and pants on. He buttoned up my pants and picked me up.

"Your design. It's gone." He said. I looked in the mirror. It wasn't. "What are you talking about?" I asked.

He set me on the counter. He touched the skin of my mark. "It's not there." He said.

"Yes it is. It's right there." I said. What was he talking about? "What do you mean, it's not there, I'm looking at your mark right now. The design isn't there."

I looked in the mirror. It was. Could only I see it? "Maybe I'm just seeing things. I am pretty tired." I smiled.

He smirked. "I'll get some clothes on." He left for a few minutes. He came back and picked me up.

He sat me on the bed. "What do you want to do?" He asked. I looked at the time.

"I should probably make dinner." I went to get up but Deon stopped me. "Not like that you aren't." He said.

He picked me up and walked me to the kitchen. Luckily no one saw. Deon sat me on a tall chair. I leaned over the counter.

"What am I making?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Like you can cook. Let me do it." I said. "No." He opposed.

"Fine. I don't know. What are you making?" He chuckled. "If it's that way." He took some food out and made... Something.

He put a bowl in front of me. "Try it." He said. I took the fork. It was decent. "What is it?" I asked.

"It's something I picked up from my dad before he passed." He said. It wasn't going to kill me. I think.

I finished eating it as the others came downstairs. Deon saw this. "You ready to go back upstairs?" He asked.

I shook my head. "We all need to talk about attacking." I suggested. "I agree. We can't just run our time out with fun." Terrain pointed out.

We spent the rest of the night planning out the attack. Kyla and I fought about if it should be from the front or the top.

She said that the top would cause too much noise. I said that the front would be a dead give away.

Queen said we should go from underground. We all agreed. Harlem said he couldn't fight with a broken arm.

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