Betrayal - 38

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*Lilly's pov*

I walked down the hall with them. They brought me to a room with a lot of liquids. "What is this? I said I was on your side!"

The woman turned to me and smiled. Not a general and sweet one, but a mischievous one.

"We are just making sure you are telling the truth. Extra precaution." She said. They pushed me to the ground.

I was now on my hands and knees, in chains, with a needle in my neck. I was getting sleepy.

I looked up to August. "Wh-"


*Deon's pov*

I wake up and Lilly's still asleep. She's usually awake before me. I get up and change.

I go to the gym and put the news on, we don't have anything else. There is another article on the missing people.

Welcome back, another person has been found. They were found drown in a lake. This lake is in the middle of the forest right off of the town of Klate.

I turned off the TV and kept exercising. Kyla walked into the room. "What happened to her?"

"What do you mean?" I asked. "I mean, she isn't herself. Did you see her last night? She's missing for days, comes back and acts crazy. Don't blame me for wanting to know what's wrong with her."

I sigh. "Honestly, I don't know. It's like she doesn't even know me. I don't barely even feel her. Or her wolf."

"Well, I don't want to be anywhere near her. I suggest you do-" she suddenly stood up straight.

I looked back and Lilly was standing there, eyes black. "You think I'm not me? Good guess."

Then she came running after us. Kyla and I ran out of the room. We ran around the place for a good five minutes before Lilly tackled Kyla.

I stopped and looked behind me. She was choking her. She was going to die. I run back.

"Sorry for this later." I said and kicked Lilly off of Kyla. She glared up at me. "What's wrong lover boy? Afraid to hurt me?"

She laughed. "No, I'm just afraid she's going to kick my ass later." With that I punched her over and over until she wasn't moving.

I hurt her. She unconscious. She's going to kill me. Queen walked upstairs. She looked at what was going on.

Kyla catching her breath with a bruise forming on her neck and me kneeling next to a bruised Lilly.

We all stared at each other for a couple moments. I looked back at Lilly. Where are you? The real you.


*Lilly's pov*

There is a bright light shining in my face. What the hell. Who am I going to kill?

I sit up slowly. I hurt all over. I open my eyes fully. Everyone is holding a knife, pointing it at me.

Even Deon. I stare at him. I stare at his knife. He changed his mind. He does want to kill me. I closed my eyes and laid back down.

"Okay, it's really Lilly. Her thoughts are actually hers." I opened my eyes and everyone put their knife down.

"What happened?" I asked. "Something was controlling your body. We don't know what, but it wanted to blend in."

I looked at my wrists. They were tied up to the bed. So we're my feet. "Okay, lets let her sleep."

Everyone vacated the room. Deon closed the door and walked back to me. He climbed on the bed and hovered over me.

"You don't know how much I missed you. I mean, you were here, but you weren't."

"Okay, can you untie me?" I asked. He smirked. "Where's the fun in that?" I raised an eyebrow and he smirked.

He started kissing me. He put his hands all over me. And I could do nothing. Not fair!

"I wouldn't be doing it if it was sweety." He then got up and off the bed. "I'm going to take shower." He smirked and left for the bathroom.

I sighed. I pulled at my ropes. How long has it been? How long was I gone? What did I do?

My face hurts. I looked into the closet mirror and there were bruises all over. "Deon?" I asked.

He walked over without a shirt on. "Yeah?" He smirked. I put a strait face on.

"Why are there bruises all over my face?" I asked. His smirk dropped. "When you attacked us... Someone had to stop you."

Did he do this? "Yes... I'm sorry. I really am. I'll let you punch me okay, to be even." He said while taking the ropes off.

"It's okay, I won't hit you. But I will get revenge." I smirked. I got up and pushed him back into the bathroom.

I closed the door and walked back to the closet mirror. I poked my face. "Ow!" I whispered.

I looked to the door. I went to the dresser and took out a tank top, a shirt, a sweater, workout pants, jeans, and three pairs of socks.

I unzipped my duffle bag and put them in there. I looked at the door again. I went back to packing.

I grabbed a brush and put it in there. I looked at the door again and Deon was standing in the doorway with a towel around his waist.

His arms were crossed. "So your just going to leave us? Me?" He asked. I looked at my bag, then at him.

"You felt what happened. They did something to me. They want me to kill you guys. I can't stay."

He walked over to me. He put his hand on my upper arm. Then he slid his arms around me.

"Don't leave. It would crush Terrain and I. He sees you as a sister. Don't leave us." He persuaded.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you guys. If I do, I would never forgive myself." I explained.

I hugged him back. "It's going to kill us, everyone. If you leave, we will die there. We can't do it without you."

"What about your heat, at least stay until after your heat. It's only next week."

I sighed. "Okay. Only for my heat. Then I'm gone." I agreed. "Promise you will come back."

"I promise. After I get rid of this... Thing. I will come back." I promised. We broke the hug.

"We should get some sleep." He suggested. I nodded. Soon enough, we drifted to sleep.


I love you all so keep flying my little birds!


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