Dinner - 31

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*Deon's pov*

Lilly just left with Queen. It's like she already trusts her. She doesn't even trust me.

I saw Harlem come in. He leaned in the doorway. "Problem?" He asked. "Like you would care." I snapped.

I was annoyed. She just left with her! What the hell. "Jeez. Just asking. But you're right. I wouldn't care. Just like she doesn't."

I turned around and looked at him. "What?" I asked. "She doesn't care about you. She just said she loved you because she needed to cover up her tracks."

I walked closer to him. "Are you kidding? She cares. And she has nothing to take care of."

"Think again. Did she ever tell you... That she and I kissed? In the facility? In her room? That we shared? For more than one night?" He asked.

I glared at him. "You're just trying to manipulate me. It's because you aren't satisfied with your mate." I said.

"Ask her. If she really cares, she'll tell you the truth." He said and walked out. It wasn't true. It couldn't be.

But what if he told the truth. Did she sleep with him? With more than one night? Did she love him?

She knew me. She knew me and she still... It's a lie. A lie to put her on my bad said. It's not happening. She's a woman of truth. She didn't...

Just don't think about it.

'It's kinda hard to do that when its our mate.' Mono popped in.

'I know. It's for the best though... I'll just ask her okay. She'll say its not true. I'll believe her. Because, why would I?'

'But it'll be hard if it is the truth. And if it is, we'll let her explain, right?' He asked.



*Lilly's pov*

I picked up the rest of the bags and went inside. I brought them up to the rooms and sorted out the clothes.

I went to put Harlem's clothes in his room. I opened the door and he was in there reading a book.

"Hey." I said. "Hey." He smiled. I put the bags on his dresser. "Bye." I said and went to leave.

"Wait. Can we talk?" He asked. I thought about it. I nodded. I leaned on the doorway.

"Remember that day in your room. When you kissed me." He asked. I slowly nodded. "Okay." He said.

I tilted my head. "Why?" I asked. He pointed outside the door. "That's why." He said.

I turned around and Deon was there. Guilt flashed over me. I looked at the ground.

"I can explain. I swear. It's not what it's like. I promise." I was shaking my head and looked up at him.

I was scared he would never trust me again. I was scared he would take back his love for me. I was so scared, my eyes started tearing up.

"I'll let you explain. Let's just move to a more private area." He said angrily. We walked to the room that we were sharing.

I sat on the bed with my head down. "Did you kiss him?" He asked. I nodded. "Why."

"He told me that you were captured trying to save me. He said he would mill you if i didn't have sex with him. I said no. Then he compromised to a kiss. All I wanted is for you to be safe. I promised you..."

"Did you have sex with him." He asked. "No." I said. "Did you share a room with him." He asked. "It was a room with two rooms. There was a door in between."

He nodded. "And you only kissed him because you thought I was in danger." "Yes."

He pulled my head up. He put his hand on my neck. He slid my shirt down a little to look at my mark.

"This means we're bonded. This means we would never betray one another. This means you belong to me, and I belong to you. Never even think about touching another man. Understand?"

I nodded. He bent down and kissed me softly. "Because you're mine. And mine only." He growled out.

"I... I understand." I was shaking. He forgave me. I messed with another man and he forgave me.

This is why I love him. "You bet your ass you love me." He said. He smirked, thinking I would get mad. He stood up.

"Of course I love you. And you're the only one I love. Because you're my only mate. And I will never get another."

I stood up and kissed him, putting my arms around his neck. He didn't expect that.

Pulled away and pouted. He quickly put his arms around my waist and kissed me.

He sat me down and let me go. "I'll be right back." He said. He left the room. "What?" He just left me here?

I stood up and left the room. I went to the kitchen. I started dinner. I was chopping up some chicken when I heard a door slam.

'Why did you leave? I told you I would be right back.'

'You left me there, hungry and wanting more. Didn't even get me an explanation. Just left. So I did.'

He walked into the kitchen. He looked a little angry. "Whacha making?" His anger was dissipating once he saw I was cooking.

"Just dinner." I said. "I know that, but what?" He asked. "Food." I finished chopping and put the in a pot full of boiling water.

Once the chicken was boiled, I took it out and seasoned it with some spices. Then I fried it.

I then made Deon bake some garlic bread. I called everyone down. We all ate at the table. Even Queen.

Turns out she's staying with us. While we ate, we told stories of being in the facility.

"October 17th. I got in trouble for killing the wrong person. I killed his brother. They were twins, you can't blame me." Queen said.

"December 24th." I spoke. "I was eight. I had gotten the chance to go to bed early and be free for the next week. I took that chance. So when I went to be, i stayed up later than I usually would. There were people at my door talking. I couldn't quite make out what they were saying.i pretended to sleep when they came in. They shook me and yelled marry Christmas. I punched them and yelled about how I hate Christmas. They left with really bad bruised." I grined a little at the end.

"July, sometime. I killed my first person. They attacked me first. It was training. He bit me, and everything just went black." Terrain said.

I picked up my plate and brought it to the sink. I was a little done with the facility. I didn't want to hear anymore about it.

Deon walked up behind me and put his hand on my back. "You okay?" He asked. "I'm fine." I sorta lied.

"If you say so." He said. He left and I went up to our room. I sat on the bed. I sighed thinking about how I'm going to miss everyone.

A few months huh. Great. Not only am I going to be in heat, but I have to kill people too. I'm done with this.

No more killing.


I love you all so keep flying my little birds!


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