Mission death - 27

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*Lilly's pov*

We've all been here for about two weeks. My heat ended and Deon's been avoiding me.

As soon as my heat ended, it was like he vanished. It's not a nice feeling. But that's not the worst of things.

Harlem is crying all the time. I told him what I saw Carla doing. He's so upset. Other than that, things couldn't be worst.

At least Terrain was training well. He's getting really good. I would say he's about... Twenty, twenty five percent of the way through.

And Kyla... She's been rampaging every time she sees anything that resembles Nora. She's not doing well.

And me? Not the best. I'm acting like nothing has happened. Still glaring at others. Nothing much.

I refuse to leave my room. Only when I go to get food, but most of the time Terrain gets me it. We train in the spare room next to mine.

I'm sure soon we will get our punishment for leaving. I wonder if it'll be worst than last time. Or better.

There was a knock on my door. Terrain must be early. I walked over. "What do you want?" I asked.

Instead there was a bang at my door. "Let me in." A deep voice whispered. "No." I didn't know who this person was.

"Do you know who I am? Let. Me. In." He demanded. "Do you know who I am? No." I repeated.

There was a loud growl. My doorknob jiggled and my door slammed open. "Really? You picked my lock?" I asked.

The guy walked in. He was roughly five feet tall. He had orange hair and green eyes. He pointed his chubby finger at me.

"Listen you little brat, when I say let me in, let me in." He demanded. "No." I repeated.

He glared at me. I glared back. He couldn't stand my icy glare and started talking.

"Hey, do you know who you are talking to?" He asked. I shook my my head. His eyebrows raised.

"Well, you little brat, I'm Xavier. I'm the best fighter in the state. I came to warn you not to pick a fight with me." He 'warned' me.

I rolled my eyes. "I doubt that. Now get out before I beat you out." I said. He glared, but did as I said.

I closed my door. I sighed. It was going to be a long time here. And it's going to suck. Bad.


A week later

"So... I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked. I shrugged. I'm still mad at him for ignoring me for a week. Especially after my heat.

"I'm sorry okay, I said I was." Deon apologized for the tenth time. I rolled my eyes. "I know. That doesn't make me any less mad. And stop reading my mind!"

I closed the door and sat in my bed. I want him to be with me all the time, but this isn't the right place for that. It's work or death really.

"Hey, meeting at room three in five." Terrain's voice came from the other side of the door.

I stood and walked out. Room three? Mission room. I have a mission? Even after I just escaped? That's weird.

I arrived and walked into the room. Harlem, Terrain, Deon, Kyla, and Nora were all here.

Kyla was being held down by Harlem. I took a seat and faced Nora. "Hello everyone. Nice to see you all again."

There was silence. "Anyway... I call you here for your punishment. It's a mission. A dangerous one. I guarantee at least three of you will die during this mission." Still silence.

"You will have to get on a plane for Ireland. You leave now. Your instructions will be given on the plane."

We all stood and walked out. We walked outside to be picked up by a car.

Deon put his hand on my leg. "It's going to be okay. None of us are going to die." He said. "You don't know that. Maybe we will all die. You don't know anything. When they put us on these missions, they think its too dangerous for them to go on. So we die instead of them. She's right. At least three of us will die." I said.

He moved his hand to my shoulder and turned me to him. "No. Be positive." He said. "Why even try? You should just listen to me for once! I know what happens! I've been through it! What do you expect from someone who's been taught to be negative. What do you expect?!" I yelled at him.

He shrunk down in his seat. The car was dead silence. I was glaring daggers. We came to a halt.

The door opened and we stepped out I folded my arms and glared at the ground as I walked.

Why do I feel bad? I shouldn't feel bad. He was wrong. Not me. Or was I? Why do I keep questioning myself?

We made it to the plane. It was small. Fits about ten people. We walked on and there was another person on there.

We took our seats and waited for her to talk. "Northern Ireland. There is a facility. Not like ours. It's bad. Worse than ours. They are killing every werewolf they can find. They are very, very, very, well trained. Maybe as good as you Lilly. Anyway. You have to find the chemist. Bring him back alive. Those are your orders. Follow them."

She stepped off the plane and the door closed. It was a nice plane. Like we were the good rich people.

The plane started moving. "Hello I am your pilot for today, call me Dave. This flight will take about ten to eleven hours. Get cozy! B T dubs, there is a bathroom in the back." The pilot said and we were now in the air.

This was going to be a boring trip. There's nothing to do! Maybe I can pry into Deon's head?

-Does she hate me? I should've never tried to make her be positive. She was very scary when she yelled. She had a look in her eyes. Not a normal one. It was... Like it was her wolf. But... Not. Like it was someone else. Like someone was controlling her. What if someone is controlling her? It would explain a lot. Like how she is constantly mad at me. Or maybe I'm just too much of a bad mate. She must hate me. I keep doing wrong. She doesn't like it. I need to stop. I only want her to be happy. That's all I wanted. Three weeks ago when we were in the bed, I really thought we were going to have sex. I was also hoping we would. She was so sexy. I don't know why she would even try to hide herself from me. Did she think I would think she is not beautiful? I only wonder what that scar was. Werewolves don't usually hold scars. Especially big ones like that. Unless it cut really deep, or... It was self inflicted... When we are good again I'll ask her. She's so mad at me. I want her to feel better. I want her to be happy. Because she is my mate. And I love her-

I stopped listening. Did I hear that right? He loves me? That's... A big step forward...

I'm just going to take a nap on this long ride. By the time I wake up, we should be in Ireland. At least we better be.


I love you all so keep flying my little birds!


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