Shampoo - 13

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*Lilly's pov*

After my heat ended, it was very awkward between me and Deon. I sorta, just avoided him all together.

I took runs in the morning and locked myself in my or Joli's room the rest of the day until my nighttime run.

I'm just afraid Deon would only like the passionate me. The me in heat. The person I would never like.

I angrily growled and punched the wall. "Sorry. I put another hole in your wall."

"Seriously? Just talk to him. Stop killing my wall." Joli complained. She sighed and kicked me out.

It was time for my run anyway. Today I was running in human form. I walked outside and started to run through the forest.

I was so concentrated I didn't realize the beta started running next to me. "Hey baby. How you doin." He asked.

"Leave me alone." I said and ran faster. He also ran faster. "Damn, your fast." He breathed out.

"Leave me. Alone." I growled out. "Oh. Feisty. And hard to get. Me like." He purred out. I growled.

"Or maybe I just don't like you." I growled out and stopped. He stopped a few feet ahead if me.

"Listen. I like you. Your cute. I'll get you someday. Know that." He grinned and ran off.

I growled out and walked the other way. Then I remembered something I was ignoring Joe about.

"Deon now has night guard. Just know that Lilly." Joe said something like that. I have to look out for him now. Crap.

I started heading back to the pack house. On the way I said hi to a couple of guards. I just don't know if one of them could be Deon.

I just hope not.

"ROUGES!" I heard someone shout. I turned around and people were running toward us. About twenty. I bet there are more.

'Rouges.' I mind-linked Joe.

'Get inside. Now.' He demanded.

'No, I can help.'

I then cut off the link. I was going to help. Right? Help this pack. I ran out and jumped into wolf form.

It's not a rouge group. It's a troop. From the facility. I lowered myself to the ground. Then Nora popped up in front of them.

"Find her. Now." She demanded. Her? Me... No. I can out thus pack in danger because of me.

I pounced and landed on a couple of people. I killed them and moved on. I got bit on my leg.

I kicked them off and ripped their stomach out. There were about seven left.

I attacked first and clawed at three. Kicked two, and headbutted one. The last one I killed. The six were on the ground.

The three I clawed were bleeding. The two I kicked were very bruised. The one I headbutted was passed out.

Why was that so easy? Why did it feel so easy? Joe came running up. He looked at the dead people.

He had that same look he had at the sidewalk. I looked around. It was bloody.

I looked and my red soaked fur. I looked over and saw people were gathered around. I saw Nora among one of those people.

I growled.

'Her. She will bring more. Kill her now! Kill her now!' I told Joe.

'No! We will question the ones you... Let live. I don't even know who your talking about. No ones there.'

Nora smirked and disappeared. The people were still watching me. What am I? A circus act?

I bared my teeth at all of them. Some looked away and some walked away. I walked away and toward the pack house.

'No, you should wash off before you track blood everywhere on the house. There is a hose around the corner.'

I growled, but obeyed. He's right about the tracks. I walked over and looked at the handle.

Before I growled someone turned it on. Joe stood there. He mouthed sorry. I huffed and stood under the hose. I ran my fur under it. It left a pink stain.

I growled, knowing I would have to clean this even more. Joe turned off the water and chuckled.

I growled low at him. He stopped. "You don't have to be so grumpy. Just have Deon wash you."

I growled even more. "I'm washing who?" Deon asked as he came around the corner. Then he saw me.

"Oh. Can I laugh at that? Or will you rip my head off?" He asked. I growled at him too.

I headed back towards the building. Someone kindly left the door open. I walked in and ran to my room.

There were a few giggles, stopped when I snapped at them. Shows them right.

I got there and sat. I growled at my closed door. I growled the whole time until Deon came this way and opened my door.

"Would you like me to clean off your legs?" He asked. I thought about it. I heaved a sigh and walked to the bathroom door.

Why do I close my doors? Deon came over and opened it. I walked over to the bath and stepped in. Deon walked over.

Deon kneeled down and turned the water on. He put it on warm. He grabbed the shampoo and waited for the tub to full up.

It was full and he squirted some shampoo on his hand. He grabbed my leg and started rubbing.

I growled if he went to high. He laughed and continued. He was on the third leg now.

"Uh oh..." He said. I looked at him. He nervously laughed. "I was two and a half legs in and I sorta ran out of shampoo..." I growled.

"I'll go to the store and get some, okay? Wait here." I growled not wanting him to leave me here alone.

He got up and left anyway. At least he closed the bathroom door. I was just going to wait here then.

I was waiting here for a while when I heard the outside door open. I stopped and quietly walked to the bathroom door.

Deon wouldn't be back by now. I looked under the door and saw two pairs of feet.

"She must be in the bathroom." I heard a male voice sound. "Well she could attack so this had to be quick!" Another male whisper yelled.

I lifted my head and stood back ready for them to come in. The door knob twisted and two teenagers showed themselves.

I growled and one of the teens took a picture of me. I didn't like that. I snapped and ran. The teen started running but couldn't make it.

I backed both of them into the closet. I quickly shifted and wrapped my robe around me.

"Get out." I demanded. The boys walked out and looked at me. The looked about two years younger than me.

"What the hell are you doing!" I yelled. "W-well we wan-nted to t-take a pic-cture of your-r pink f-fur." One stuttered out.

I glared at the two. "Delete the picture. Now." I demanded. "Ha! Your just a girl. You can't make us do nothin!" The other one laughed.

I quickly took the phones and snapped them in half. The boys looked at me in shock.

"You little bitch!" He yelled and ran at me. I grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

"Don't mess with me boy. I will kill you." I said as he was struggling. The other guy ran at me and I kicked him to the stomach.

He fell to the ground and I let the other one go. I dragged them out of the room as deon was walking down the hallway.

"What the h-" I cut him off. "I'll tell you later. Let get this over with." I said and walked to the bathroom, leaving Deon confused with shampoo.


I love you all so keep flying my little birds!


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