[DID] Male Reader X Suicidal Kyle

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[When i wrote this years ago i didnt know much about DID, so thats why its not correct. I have since researched more and now know a little better. I might try to rewrite this more accurately in the future]

[DID means Dissociative identity disorder]

Kyle's POV

Some guards hold me by my arms, leading me to a room. There's two beds and a table there. The window has bars on it, but it's still just an ordinary window. The guards close the door and I sit on one of the beds. I look down and tear up, looking at my cut covered wrists. I tried to kill myself, that's why I'm here now. I close my eyes and sniffle quietly.

"Hi!", someone says excitedly.

I open my eyes, startled. I see someone staring at me from under the bed. I scream and jump on the edge of the bed, against the wall. The boy laughs and soon he stands up from the floor. He has a strait jacket on, the one that some people in mental asylums sometimes have to wear.

"Hi! I'm [Name]!", he says.

He has some sort of clothing in front of his mouth that prevents me from seeing his mouth.

"What's your name?", he asks.

"Uhh... Kyle..", I say, wiping my tears away.

"You were crying.", he says.

He walks in front of the bed, crawling in front of me. He leans very close to my face.

"Why were you crying?", he asks.

His eyes are abnormally wide, and they're actually different coloured. One is [R/C] and the other is [R/C]. He leans his forehead against mine, snapping me away from my trance.

"I-I was, uhh..", I say, speechless.

Suddenly his eyes change, he almost closes his eyes, looking absolutely emotionless.

"Only weaklings cry.", he says, causing my eyes to widen.

He jumps off from the bed, on the floor again. He lands on his back, grunting.

"Weaklings, weaklings, weaklings..", he mutters, slamming his legs on the floor.

"W-What's wrong?", I ask.

He freezes. He slowly looks up, his eyes are wide open again.

"What's wrong? What's wrong, what's wrong, what's wrong...", he mutters, speaking very fast and quiet.

"I am wrong, everything's wrong, the world is wrong..", he says.

He slams his head on the floor, startling me. He keeps slamming his head on the floor, until he freezes again. He slowly looks up at me before looking around the room.

"When did I..?", he asks.

"Ah! It was him again.", he says, sitting up.

He stands up wobbling a little, walking in front of the bed again. I tense up and he crawls in front of me again.

"I have Diss-, Dissocia-, Disso, ciative Personality. Disorder.", he says, having some slight troubles saying it.

He nods, looking proud of himself before he frowns looking at me again.

"Why were you crying?", I ask.

I look down and he lifts my head with his shoulder.

"I-I don't wanna be here..", I say, looking away.

He giggles.

"That's not a good reason to cry.", he says, smiling.

"It's not that bad being here.", he says.

Seme Male Reader X South ParkWhere stories live. Discover now