Male Reader X Craig

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Your POV

I lean against my locker, smoking a cigarette like always. Craig was staring at me around the corner, he's been staring at me for about 7 or 10 minutes, I don't fucking know. He walks around the corner towards me, he opens his locker and as soon as I can't see his face he flips me off. I return the gesture and raise my middle finger over this locker door.

"Fuck you.", he says.

"Fuck you too.", I say, breathing in the toxic smoke from my cigarette.

He clicks his tongue pulling his hand back. I lower my hand and step behind him on his locker. I look down at his ass. Ah, he keeps his wallet in his back pocket. I chuckle and grope him. He squeaks, tensing up. He turns around, blushing slightly.

"W-What the fuck, dudE!?", he yells, pressing his back against his locker.

I smirk, causing his eyes to widen. I step right in front of him, leaving barely any space between us. I grope his bottom again, causing him to squeak.

"You have a nice ass, Tucker.", I say.

He hides his face with his left hand, looking away from me. I chuckle and hook my finger under his chin, lifting his head. His eyes widen and I quickly connect our lips. He gasps in shock and I slip my tongue in his mouth. I dominate him completely as I slip his wallet out of his back pocket. I slip it in my sleeve and pull away from the kiss. I lick my lips and let go of his chin. He's panting, blushing and grasping the front of his shirt. I smirk and step away from him.

"See ya later, Tucker.", I say, winking at him.

I walk away, taking his wallet out of my sleeve.

"Damn, only 40 bucks? Oh well, it was worth it.", I say to myself as I keep walking towards my classroom.

Seme Male Reader X South ParkWhere stories live. Discover now