41- more than you'll ever know

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the thunder roared and the lightning struck, illuminating the night sky. the rain pattered on the roof above my, my hands shaking like they were freezing.

i'd never liked storms. they made me feel like the world was collapsing around me, like the sky was going to fall down on me and suffocate me. the only thing that would help me get through tough storms like this was Shawn, my ex boyfriend.

he made me feel safe, secure. without him, i felt like i had no one to protect me from the chaos surrounding me. i loved him when we were 16, i loved him when we were 17, i loved him when we were 18, and i've never stopped. i love him more than words can describe, but we ended it, and now he probably doesn't feel the same way.

a loud clap of thunder broke me from my thoughts as my house shook, the mirror on my wall swinging, my reflection being warped and shaken in front of me, making me shudder. i closed my eyes and breathed slowly, trying to fall asleep to the sound of the rain, but i couldn't take it.

i picked up my phone with shaky hands and dialed the number that i memorized by heart and had never forgotten.

"Kacie?" i heard in the oh so familiar groggy voice of the man i gave my heart to, and i automatically felt at ease.

"Shawn, the storm. it's so loud and its scaring me and i-i don't know what to do. when we were dating, you always made me feel 100 times better when o was scared, and i need that right about now. And-" i heard the line cut off, signaling that he hung up on me.

i buried my head in my knees as i curled up into a ball, rocking back and forth. i cried, and cried, and cried, my eyes puffy and my cheeks stained with tears. i stayed like that for minutes, although it felt like hours, until i heard a knock at my door.

i got up, almost slipping on the hardwood floor with my socks as i rushed to the door, thunder roaring. i opened it with a creak, cracking it so only a sliver of the light from the street lamps outside shining in. i see a rain soaked Shawn on the other side of the door, his hair dripping from the rain falling on him.

he stepped inside and pulled me into his soggy chest, his gentle touch relieving the immense fear that ran throughout my body, my chest loosening and my legs becoming limp, collapsing in his arms.

"i'm always here for you," he said, pulling my face parallel to his and pressing his soft lips against mine, a feeling that brought back a flood of emotions that were hard to process in my head, my mind spinning.

"thank you Shawn. i knew i could always trust you to protect me," i chuckled. "i love you." i whispered in his ear, resting my head on his rain-soaked shoulder.

"i don't know why i left. i love you more than you'll ever know."


for my bestest friend fanficti0nsssbby who i love with my whole heart and she deserves the world

i love you so much, i hope you liked this <3


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