From The Bottom

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"August!  August! August! " They scream my name out loud,  I hear it echoing to the back of the stadium. The lights, bright in my eyes, flashing over the crowd , then lands back on me. I smile....  "Yes,  It's true , I came from the bottom. The clothes , the shoes , the women , I made it , I gottem . I promised to stay true to myself and from where I came. Never thought the quiet kid would ever come up big and make it to fame. I made it , all me , no help. Nobody thought I could do it , just me and myself , the haters , the losers , the people who pushed me down , I made 17 singles , 2 albums,  and I'm #1 in the industry all in one month , bitch look at me now! " The crowd went wild... Look at me. I am a star. Singing on this stage. 3 months ago,  I was alone. I was lame. I was average. How did I get here ? .....

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