Chapter 7 : FriendZone 2 Endzone

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The next morning,  I woke up to a delicious smell of bacon, grits,  eggs, and sausage. I got off the hard couch and walked into the kitchen. I peeped in and silently watched Treya working extra hard in that kitchen,  cooking her ass off. I wanted to scare her, so I tiptoed in and poked at her sides. "Ahhhhh! Kendrick what the fuck! I almost burned myself! " She turned to me, her chest on mines. Did I scare you? She stood back. "Yes,  and can you give me space? Your breath is giving me everything. " So it's like that? I laughed. She fixed me a plate and sat across from me at the table. She kept peeping up at me , so to make her freak out, I took a sausage,  and slowly bit into it,  while keeping eye contact,  letting the juice drip from my lip. She raised an eyebrow and started coughing up her orange juice. " You ok,  Treya? She rolled her eyes at me. " Stop trying to be seductive with meat! Whatever you're trying to do,  it's not affecting me." Was this a bet? Challenge accepted! I reached across the table and touched her hand,  and stared at her. This was really affecting her,  I could see it on her face. "Kendrick Stop! " I burst out laughing. I'm sorry,  just like messing with you. Why are you so nervous? "I'm not! If anything,  I'm very disgusted! " I scoffed and stood up from the table. Bouta go shower so we can go to school. Get ready fast please? So we don't be late! She gave me the finger. "Ima woman,  it's gonna take me a while." I laughed. I went to shower and got dressed. I put on my red plaid shirt, my grey sweats,  red griffeys,  and a grey hat. I put my glasses on and went downstairs. 30 minutes passed and Treya came downstairs in some leather tights,  a white ripped shirt,  exposing her belly chain, and some white and gold boots,  with bright red lipstick on her lips. She looked sooo good,  and her body was like.... Lawwd. She turned back at me , standing on the porch "Coming or what?". I left out with her,  laughing our whole way to school. She had the funniest sense of humor. When we got there, we walked into school together, towards Ms. Brown. Hey there,  Ms. Brown. Looking cute in that outfit today!" She blushed. "Boy stop. Go on to class you two" . We walked in,  as the bell rung for study hall. Everyone stared at us,  and I looked down at our attire. I whispered to Treya. I think they are staring cause we match,  plus we came in together. She looked at me, and smirked. I walked her to class, and ran to The water fountain. When I got there, Khyna was bending over, drinking. Excuse me, Miss. She raised up And turned to me. "Oh, Kendrick. You look nice today, how was your night? " What you mean? It was the same as other nights. "Oh,  I dunno, Since that girl, Trina picked up the phone ." It's Treya, and like I said, It was nothing. She was having family issues, so I let her crash. Khyna folded her arms. "Crash? You don't even know the chick! You just letting strange females into your home? What does your mother think? " Yo, what's your problem ? Ever since I kissed you, you been acting all crazy and shit. Treya is just a friend, and last time I checked, you have a man , so stop all this questioning and shit, I'm not your dude. You don't need to keep tabs on me, ma. "Excuse me? You don't just blow on me and get away with it! I didn't even like that kiss, It meant nothing. Me and Chres are happy together, and I don't ever wanna be with you no way ! " She stormed off, leaving me behind. I just shrugged and walked to class. After school, I gave Treya the house key, and let her go home, while I go to tryouts for football. I went to the empty locker rooms and changed into some shorts. As I started to exit, I heard some noises towards the showers. I crept around the bin, and peeped. It appeared to be some dude ontop of a female,having sex. The steam was really blocking my view ,so I just smirked and continued to exit. Before I hit the door, I forgot my mouthguard so, I went back in. Right when I turned the corner, the dude walked out of the shower with a towel on his waist. I didnt wanna look like I was evesdropping, so I hid behind the big door. I overheard the voices talking. "You look so good Babe." "Thank you, you do too. But I better not hear no fucking rumors around about this. "Chresanto, I won't tell. Now come here and give daddy a kiss " WHAT THE FUCK?! Chres is a fucking sugarplum fairy!? Forget the mouthpiece , I got my ass out of there real fast, and ran straight to the field. I bumped right in to Raquan. Bruhh, I gotta tell you some shit, man. My stomach is twisted inside out, dawg. "Man, coach is coming. He real strict, so fuck with me later bout that. " We gathered onto the field. The coach looked very mean. He was big, buff, and black as hell. " Alright ladies, I'm sorry about Coach Darwin being absent for this year, but I assure you I will be spending some close quality time with you to make sure you all don't fuck up my season. " We all lined up as he surveyed some of the newbies. He went down the line, and stopped at me. "What's your name, boy? " Kendrick... Sir "Trying out for my team? " Yes "Good. You look like you have such an athletic body, perfect for football. " I Cringed on the inside. That gay encounter with Chres makes me turn everything into something gay. I ignored Coach Mark's comment, and let him continue. "Alright newbies, run the field, do 25 pushups and go to the tires. After that, I wanna see you throw to a partner ,He has to be already on the team. You pass, you stay. Let's Go !" I ran with confidence, pure control. I did the pushups with ease, never trembling, nor failing. When I got to the passing, my partner threw a hard spiral, and I came back with a strong armed, stiff throw. He got stunned and fell backwards. Everyone surrounded him and looked back at me. I ran towards him, and he didn't look too hurt. You OK,man? I'm so sorry.." Yea, I'm good. You a beast, bro! Coach, we need him , Chres arm isn't fuckin with his! " Raquan dapped me , As well as some other players. "Yo, whats all the commotion? " Coach turned to the voice. "You're late,  Chres " He smirked, "Had to handle something. What's going on? " Coach looked at me and smiled, "We may have a new co-quarterback." I couldn't focus on anything but Chres. He's fuckin around on Khyna with a nigga? But then again, She friendzoned a nigga, knowing that I was feeling her. Fuck It. I'm not gonna tell Khyna, Nor Raquan. Let her deal with her own shit. Time to focus on me.

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