Chapter 2 : High School Newbie

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Kendricks POV


August 22, 2013

Today is the first day of high school in a long time. My freshman and sophomore year, I never really played attention in class because of the drug dealing , and my junior year was a blur because I was too busy trying to correct my wrongs with my mom and my sick grandmother. Starting as a senior, I have to get used to a new school with people I don't know. Reed High School. I've heard that it was ghetto, filled with crazy people, potential killers . I plan to keep myself out of trouble and do what I gotta do to catch up in order to graduate. I gotta do better in order to provide for my family. A lot was soaring through my mind as I stood in the shower that morning. "Kendrick!  Boy, you better get your ass out the shower and get ready for school! " Man, my mom never fails to keep me right. I laughed and hopped out the tub. I dried off and put on an all black shirt, some jeans, and some black and white griffeys. I combed my low curly hair, and put on my seeing eyeglasses. Yes, I wear glasses. I went downstairs, and hugged my mom, then we hopped in the car. On the way to school, my mom couldn't help but bother me. "Baby, remember when your grandma took you to her choir practice and made you sing that solo? " Yeah, (chuckle)  I was sooo nervous. I didn't even think I had talent back then. "Baby?  You can sing. You haven't heard yourself?  I be listening to you blow in the shower baby, you have something special. Watch. Lets sing something. Like? How about that Al Green?  I know you know that song, after I sung it to you every night before you went to sleep. (Hahaha) Okay momma, check this:  I , I'm So in love with you, whatever you want to do, its alright with me. "Oh God" She just broke down crying. Momma, what's wrong? Why you crying? You remind me so much of your daddy , baby. He had the voice of a bird. He was so busy with touring and stuff, he didn't even know I was pregnant with you. I was so scared to tell him, I just lost touch with him. I wish he was here to see what he created. A handsome boy with the perfect voice!  Here me out, Kenny. You will make it big with that voice, baby. Do you, and stay out of trouble, okay Baby?  Yes momma. I hugged her and that's when we pulled up to my new school. She walked me into the office and got me signed in. After she kissed me, she left out and the lady in the office called someone to show me around. Soon enough, a boy appeared, kinda skinny, enough muscles, a little shorter than me,  dark, with two long pigtail braids. He was wearing a white shirt, red skinny jeans, bred 11s with a black jacket tied around his waist. The lady in the office said"  Sweetie, this is Raquan. He will show you around the school. He's cool, I promise"  He nodded his head my way and waved his hand for me to follow him. " So man,  where you from? " New Orleans,  Of Course.  I was born in the East, raised in the cutoff , but I stay in the East for good now. "Oh really?  I've been in the East my whole life. I have a brother, but we haven't talked in 4 years. He was a drug kinda nigga." Yeaa- I quit the game. I want to do better with my life. I gotta support my family. "You were a drug dealer?  I don't believe you, man.  You wear glasses for Christ sake!  (laughs) But real? Hell Yeah. I got caught and did a solid (year in jail). " Damnnn la brudda , you had it hectic. But let me tell you, this school is cutthroat. They got niggas who live to kill. Stay out of trouble, and getchu one of these females (chuckles) Cause ima "East Beast," and they love that." Bruh, you funny.  He showed me around the school, then we went to lunch. I had nowhere to sit, especially since everyone knew each other from last year. I looked for Raquan, but he was nowhere in sight. I just sat alone and ate. I was scanning the crowds of loud girls and wannabe ass niggas , but one girl caught my eye. She was sorta tall, long legs but built so beautiful. She was curvaceous, red skinned, long Brazilian hair, at that point it didn't matter if it was fake, cause it was paid for. While all the girls wore boots and Jordan's, she wore heels, 6 inches, complimenting her toned legs. She had on a beige half-shirt with a high waisted leather skirt, a burgundy sweater, and some sparkely silver heels. She was conversating with this other girl, but I wasn't even trying to look at her, I was mesmerized. She looked at me, and gave off a smirk, then turned back to her friend. Did she smirk at me?  I smiled at myself and continued eating. I looked back up, and she was staring directly at me. The juice I was drinking dripped out of my mouth right down my chin onto my tray of half-eaten food. Fuck!  She might think I'm a clutz. I wiped my chin with my hand, and put my tray in the nearest trashcan. I turned to see her again, but she was standing right behind me. "Hi, my name is Khyna, with a k. I haven't seen you at Reed, you new?" God she was beautiful up close. She had braces and a gap. I love girls with both gaps and braces. And her voice, She is so Damn proper, like a white girl. All the girls i've met had that loud ghetto New Orleans voice. She seemed so sweet. "Hello? " she said, interrupting my thoughts. Oh, I'm Uh- Kendrick. Kendrick La Cour. I'm new. "Oh , Welcome to the worst school in the East.  Why did you decide on Reed? " There was that smile again. I - My Uhh- She giggled.  "You Okay? " Yeah!  My mom thought that i'd function here, and its closest to my house. I just moved here. " Ohh cool! " She held her binder close to her chest. My God, she has big boobs too. "Hello?  You there? " Oh sorry. Anyways, why do you go here?  You don't seem like the "ghetto" type. "Because I speak proper? Ha!  I have it hard like everyone else. Actually, I go here because my mom died last year and my grandma recently moved like a few blocks away. She wanted me to start fresh. " She looked down at her little shoes. If it's any consolation, I know how you feel to not have that parent there for you. I was raised by all women. I guess that's why I have so many manners and I Love women. Everything about em. I'm sorry about your mom though. " Thanks, Kendrick. Well the bell's about to ring ,so I gotta go." Wait, can I possibly get your number?  I'd love to talk to you tonight. She tried not to blush. "I don't think so. You have to work for that, I just don't give personal info out to strangers"  My heart sank. "I was joking!  Lighten up a little, Kendrick!  You need as much of humor you can get around here. It gets a little depressing at Reed. But here, give me your number. I can inform you some more about the school and things like that, if you want" I handled her a piece of paper with my number on it. I'd love that. Bye Khyna. Before she turned to leave, she said,  " Don't say bye, that means forever. Say until then, that means you're counting on the next time we meet. " She smiled again and my heart melted. I put my hands in my pockets and smiled all the way to class. After school, I saw Raquan standing, as if he were waiting for someone. "Hey Kendrick!  Over here! " I walked in his direction. What's up? "So, I'm having a house party on Thursday. Wanna come? Everybody is gonna be there. " Thursday?  Isn't that a school night? " Mannnn,  we are seniors!  Grown men!  The females are gonna be there, shaking,  all the alcohol you can drink!  Weed and everything"  When he said weed, I got a pain in my chest. I didn't really want to disobey my mom and going out on school nights, but I bet Khyna would be there. I'd really wanna see her. You know what?  I'd love to go. "Good , now,  save my number so I can give you the address." I saved his number and waited on my mom to pick me up from school. It seemed like hours and hours passed. Everyone left, and I was the only person standing outside. The lady from the front office walked outside from the building.  "Still here, boo?  I can drive you home if you want. " Uhh, No it's fine. My mom should be here any minute. "Oh Okay, hope you had a good first day. See you tomorrow? " Yeah, bye Ms....." Ms. Brown " Okay, Bye! A hour later, my mom pulled up. I sat in the car and stared at her. "Baby, I'm sorry.  I got caught up at this hospital with your grandma. They said she isn't responding to treatment anymore. They said if she doesn't start responding by next week, they have to put her on medication to help her die. What?! What the fuck do they mean?  I can't let her die!  They can't do that. There must be another way. "Baby, please calm down. Now, Kenny, she knew her fate was coming soon than anyone else. She told you that one day when she is gone, she wanted you to be strong. For the both of us. Okay?  Hold your head up for me." Okay momma. I wanna cry so bad, but I couldn't. My tears didn't wanna fall. My chest fell heavy and I just didn't wanna do anything but lay down. When I got home, I got undressed, showered,  and got in bed with nothing but my boxers. I couldn't do anything but think, that's when my phone rang. Hello? "Is this Kendrick?" I jumped up. I know that voice from anywhere. Khyna?  Hey!  I didn't know you were gonna call this soon, I mean. " Are you busy?  I can call another time. " No, no don't. Right now is perfect! " Oh, Okay.  So,  what are you doing? " I'm just laying down. Thinking about my grandma. "What's wrong?" Well, she was diagnosed with severe breast cancer a while ago, and now she's kinda hospitalized. She bas been taking treatments, but they aren't really working. They said if she doesn't respond to them, they will have to prepare to kill her. "Oh God, Kendrick, I'm so sorry. (pauses) If there's anything you need ,please ask me. Thanks. But anyways, have you heard about Raquan's party on Thursday? She laughed really loud. What's funny? " Raquan is my older  brother. We are a year apart, but I skipped a grade. He actually had a twin, but he moved out a long time ago. "Really?  He didn't tell me He had a sister. " Of Course!  He hates guys that try to talk to me.  Talk about overprotective. What?  Should we even be on the phone?  I can hang up if you-gco "I am grown, Raquan can't tell me what to do. If I Wanna be on the phone with you, I can. As for the party, I'll be there,  considering I live here.  But I love parties. You coming to turn up? O-Of course!  I'm gonna be there. "Khyna!  Get your ass in here and help me pick out some music for Thursday! (Raquan screamed) Uhh, Kendrick I Gotta go. See you at school? " Yeah, see you. She hung up. I couldn't wait to see her again. I fell asleep right after that.

Next Morning

My mom came into my room, shaking me awake. "Kenny, wake up baby" I got up, rubbing my eyes. Yes momma?  "You are gonna have to miss school today. Your grandma asked me to let you see her today. " Okay, let me get dressed and we can go. I rather spend my time with my grandma then anywhere else. I showered and put on a white tee, some khaki pants and my black and white adidas. I grabbed my glasses and walked downstairs and got into the car. When we got to the hospital, I spoke to the staff that passed. It was a shame, but I knew everyone who worked there, considering my grandma has been here for a long time. One of the nurses led us to the back and as soon as I seen her, I hugged her tight and sat in the chair beside her bed. "Hey Kenny. How are you? " I am doing good, grandma.  How are you ? "I'm sure your mom told you what was happening to me. They already amputated both breasts, but it's no use. The disease is spreading all over my body. The real reason I called you to see me, is because I told the doctors to go on and prepare me to leave. " Grandma, No!  Please. There has to be something else to do. I can't see you die. She spoke" Baby, I am already old. I am tired of hurting. Don't you think it's selfish of you to let me linger around in pain? Besides, they have been giving me that medication for over a week. I only have 3 days left. Three days! "Kenny please calm down. I've been telling you since you were 13 years old. God wants me up there watching you. You went to jail, but who got you out?  He did. He is doing right by taking me off this earth. He knows that me being gone will help you strive for something better. Stay strong baby, please. Do you hear Me? " Yes grandma. I can't see you go though. I cried and cried, my head resting on her abdomen. I let her hands stroke my head, rustling my curls. I stayed like that until the nurses told me her visitation hours were over. I gathered myself and went back home. I don't know what to do. My grandma made up most of my life. She showed me things I would've never known. She even discovered a talent that I never thought I had. I can sing. My mom knows. Maybe that is why she wants me to continue to live on. She always praised my dad for his talents because she said he was amazing. Maybe she wants me to continue in his footsteps.  Ha!  Fuck singing. I'd do anything just to have my grandma well and not ill . When We got home, I layed in bed, unable to sleep. My mind kept going back to my grandma. My phone went off , so I grabbed it. Khyna texted me. It said" I hope everything is okay. I didn't see you at school, so I'm guessing it has something to do with your grandma. Anyways, The party is still on tomorrow and I can't wait to see you again. I'd call you, but I'm busy preparing Lol. See you tomorrow? " I was gonna reply, but I decided to not look thirsty and just reply tomorrow. I turned over in bed, smiling for no damn reason. Khyna just don't know what she does to a nigga. I'm really starting to like her.

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