Chapter 9 : Frienemies

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The next day, I woke up beside Treya , not quite ready for what was going to happen today. Although today was a school day, I didn't want to wake her after all of these things that has been going on, so I let her sleep.  I took a quick shower , and I put on some clothes and headed out. When I arrived to school, I felt a sudden rush of tension in the air. As I walk the halls, many people waved and smiled, as usual, but a guy walked up to me.  I instantly remembered him from the football team. "Say, Chres told me to tell you that he knows you are behind all this with him and his girl." I don't know what you're talking about. I- " You better watch yourself Lacour, he don't play behind Khyna. " I scoffed, and went right on to class. Before the day was over and practice was soon to begin, Ra awkwardly walked up to me. " Man, Chres is talking mad shit about messing over you because of Khyna not talking to him. Last night, she didn't even have the courage to ask if he was cheating with another dude. I would jump in this one, but this ain't my battle. I will leave this to you, bro." I dapped him. He is right. I walked in on Chres, I should be the one confronting him. You right. Catch you later. As soon as the locker room cleared, I sat on a bench to clear my head. That's when Chres approached me. "Wassup, nigga.What's up with my girl?  I keep texting and calling, but she ain't picking up. I swear if you got anything to do with this, ima fuck you up..." Look, we need to talk. I know why she not talking. I stood up with courage, and looked him in the eye. The other day, I walked in on you and Darian, having sex and talking about being on the DL. I'm sorry bro, but she had to know. He couldn't speak. He walked over to a locker and yelled, punching a dent in the locker. "Fuck man! This is all my fault... I should've told her. Not you. I really love Khyna, but I don't know why I keep messing with ole dude. I never liked men. The thought of being gay made my stomach turn before, but after my parents abandoned me and my uncle Robby raped me, I never been the same. " He started sobbing, I wanted to hug him, but that made me squeal on the inside so I didn't. I sat on the bench, head hanging low. Khyna is in love with you, she risked me and her friendship and my career to be with you. " You don't understand, Kendrick. She always mentioned your name, she always talked about you, and how amazing you are. I can't compete with that. I got with her because she understands me. She accepts me and my past. She didn't judge when I told her about Uncle Robby. I- I don't know why I deal with Darian. He is controlling, he is abusive, but he took me away from Khyna when you came into the picture. I guess I take my anger out in my ego, messing over people.Messing over you the most because if you never showed up, I would've never gave in to Darian's evil ways, fucking me, saying he will never hurt me like Khyna, and beats me. See these scars?" He raises up his long sleeve shirt, revealing bruises. He lifts his shirt to show old, purple wounds on his back. I felt so bad. This was all my fault. I rubbed my temples. I'm sorry, Chres.  I didn't know it was like that. I just couldn't see her hurt. I mean I like her before I knew about you, but that's behind me now. I Hate seeing you all emotional and stuff... Don't get worked up, Khyna is crazy about you. She is just shocked that she had to find out like this. Chres sobbed, snot pouring from his nose. " What if she doesn't like me anymore?  I'll be stuck with Darian. He is possessive, but not inhumane. He will accept that I have a girl and leave me alone. I need her. Everyone else fears me, but Khyna looks past all of that. I won't be able to live if she doesn't accept me back." I stood up, and put on my serious face. Man up,  what you did was a mistake. You and Khyna must talk and work things out because she needs you, and you need her. Tell her!  Talk to her. If she doesn't see you through your faults, she isn't worth it. He looked up at me, wiped his face and got himself together. "Thanks, Kendrick. You aren't all bad at all. Just don't tell anyone about this... please? " You have my word. The coach walked into the locker room. " What are you two ladies doing in here!  This ain't no tea party, so move it! " We ran out and onto the field. After an agonizing day of practice, I got a call to meet with Khyna. I texted Treya.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2014 ⏰

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