Chapter 5 : Popular Kid

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That Friday,  I didn't go to school , especially because I wanted to talk to my mom about Ms. Jasmine. I woke up with a text from Khyna. " Hey Kendrick!  So proud of you from last night. Just wanted to say that I'll be "kidnapping" you tonight. Get you outta the house. Be ready for 8. c:" I smiled. Who do she think she is?  Trying to take me somewhere. I went downstairs, and called for my mom. I didn't see her, but I can hear her whimpering. I rushed to the noise and walked into her room. Mom, you okay? She was crying into her pillow. " Oh, yes Kendrick. I'm fine. Go on. " Nahh, what's wrong? She sat up " Kenny, I Love you and how you strive to keep us together, but I can't do it. I just came from getting a daily checkup. The doctors said I have been exposed to a dangerous amount of cleaning supply, and if I don't lay off of it now, I'll become real sick. Being a maid is all I have to keep money on the table, baby. No, don't trip!  I might have a career in this music thing!  After my performance, this lady named Jasmine came up to me and offered to take me under her wing!  I can get money with this, so you won't have to work!  She smiled " Baby, face it. This is YOUR big break, not mines. I refuse to let you pay for me. I am an independent woman and I will fend for myself. What?  Do you hear yourself?  If I can get money and pay for us, I'll do that. " I don't nee-gco" Shut Up, mom. You don't get it , do you? I'm trying to help us and you aren't even happy?  I am doing the best I can. I stopped selling so that we can live happy and safe. You don't care, do you?  I'm outta here. I'm tired of helping when you don't even care. I walked out, leaving my mom alone in her room. I sat in my room all day, rocking back and forth. I hated how stubborn she is. She wants me to do right, yet she gets mad when I try?  No wonder my dad left. He probably got tired of her complaining but getting mad when he was out there, getting that paper . I was starting to fall asleep, when I remembered that Khyna was coming soon. Shit. I got into the shower , washed my low curls, and dried off. I looked into the mirror, and no matter how pissed I was , thinking of Khyna made a smile creep over my face. I walked out of the room with my towel around my waist and bumped right into Khyna. Oh God!  How did you get in here? She covered her eyes immediately and turned around. "I thought I'd come a little early to talk to your mom.  She let me in, but I don't think she was into the mood, so she told me that I'd find you up here. Want me to wait downstairs?  " I looked down at my toned abs, then up at her with her flary blue skirt, flat stomach showing with her silver bra showing through her black shirt. I got so excited, and i think she noticed. " Uhhh I'll go.... Wait downstairs..." I didn't catch her drift, I was so lost in the moment, I looked down and covered myself in embarrassment. Oh yeah!  You do that. I ran into my room and tried to get calm. I put on my black jeans with rips, a white t-shirt and a white and burgundy Letterman jacket. I had on burgundy tims and my eyeglasses. When I got dressed, I slipped on my hat and my dad's ring. I walked downstairs and saw Khyna waiting for me. Ready to go? "Yes, Let's go! " We got into her car and got onto the road. So, where we going? To go to your first interactive gathering. Ms. Jasmine got together a few people to meet you, You know. Just observers, really. This is the start of something new. So I gotta conversate with random people? "Pretty much. But don't worry, you're dressed just right. They want to hear that backstory of a guy from the ghetto". I felt butterflies deep in the pit of my stomach. What am I suppose to tell these people, that I sold drugs?  That I was arrested? I can't possibly go through that humiliation of explaining how I came to be, especially cause of grams. Khyna has got to be kidding me, I don't think I'm ready for this lil get together just yet. My hands were trembling til we got to what looked like a club lounge. I climbed out, and helped Khyna open her door. Suddenly, she grabbed my hand, and for some reason, I wished she would never let go. She smiled" Well, let's go make you a star! " She led me inside the lounge. When we got inside, it was so sophisticated and clean, mostly white people walking around, drinking champagne and laughing. I looked at Khyna with a doubting frown, but she squeezed my arm and walked towards where Ms. Jasmine was sitting. " Khyna! Kendrick!  Welcome to Hotel Deu , the finest lounge in New Orleans! " She was so professional and clean. Her bun from her clean pencil skirt, to her red bottoms. I got a bit nervous. Hey Ms. Jasmine, this is a nice place. "Of Course!  I had to host in the best place, to show people I mean business!  Now, meet some of my colleagues. " Two men and a woman gathered around the table and introduced themselves. After a few minutes, Khyna started speaking about how I came a long way and how singing is an outlet. She talked as if she knew me so well. I was so caught up in her speaking, I didn't hear one of the colleagues asking me about myself. Oh, you want to know about what I am feeling? Well uh. For starters, I am real blessed to be in this room.  I lost Grandma Pearlie, but I acquired so much more. I feel as if my singing can take me places. I don't want to do nothing but earn money to care for my mom. The man nodded and interjected " Sounds like we got a star! You got a good background, hard hitting stories, and everything you do is for a good cause." Khyna smiled and nodded. Ms. Jasmines colleagues were all intrigued by my background. I might have a shot at this singing career. Ms. Jasmine spoke " Okay, Kendrick, ready to perform?" I got choked up. "Perform? I-I only wrote that one song, and I am not prepared and there's no rapper, or anything"  Ms. Jasmine laughed. " Its okay!  Sing a verse, and let them see your talent! Okay... I was nervous, but when I thought back to the performance, I felt almost invincible. I put my hands to my side and sung a verse. Momentarily, I heard awes and multiple applauding. One of the colleagues approached me. " Kendrick, You are very talented. I know you have what it takes to make it in the world. Let me talk to my people, and we'll make a decision. " They walked off , leaving just me and Khyna. She faced me and smiled. " You look tense.  Just relax!  I know they like you, you've got it in the bag!  Look, when they come back with their results, I promise you'll make it!  Just have faith"  She squeezed my arm again for reassurance. They came back about 20 mins later and Ms. Jasmine looked stressed. " Kendrick, we've talked amongst ourselves and came to a conclusion. We have decided that..... We want to sign you!!!" Khyna jumped and squealed.  hugging me tight. I swear, a tear fell down my face. I signed a small starters contract , and chatted a little ,then it was finally time to leave. In the car, I couldn't stop looking at Khyna. She was really an amazing girl. I wanted her right then and there, but for her, I'd contain myself. Khyna, what do you think about school?  I know this celeb stuff is cool and all, but I need to finish high school. Khyna smiled and looked me in the eye. " Kendrick, you will be attending school for the rest of the school year, but as for college?  That will be online or on the road. That's good, but I just know all eyes will be on me. " You know what?  That's true and all, but there will also be fake people trying to get at you as well. I am glad that I got to you first , you are a work of art. " Everything she said made a big smile appear. I tried to hide it, but I couldn't. If anytime was perfect to let her know how I feel, it was now. Khyna?  I have som-gco Someone was calling her phone. She looked down at the name and looked at me sheepishly. " Hello?- Hey baby, what's up? - No, I'm driving Kendrick home.- Calm down!  He's just my damn friend, why must you act this way with me? - You know I love you.... Just stop accusing me of doing stuff you know I wouldn't. Yes,  of course.- Ok - I love you more.-  bye bye." I looked at her, and let out a sigh. BAM ! My throat felt heavy and my knees got weak. I knew it was too good to be true. I really liked her, and look now. She's already taken!  " I'm sorry you had to hear that... My boyfriend, Chres, can be a pain in the butt. " Oh it's fine. I just didn't know you uh, had a boyfriend. "Oh yeah!  He's a great guy, you should meet him sometime!  I promise, I know you two will get along great. " Greaaat. I sunk low in my seat all the way till we got to my house. " Well, see you at school tomorrow? " I guess. Bye Khyna. " What did I say about saying bye? " She giggled, which made me more salty. I mean, 'until then' . I got out and ran inside. I looked around for my mom and saw her slumped over asleep on the couch with a bottle of ciroc. A drunk mess. I went upstairs and layed in bed, fully clothed. I didn't want to be bothered, and I wish someone would try to piss me off, I'll fuck around and hurt something.

Next Morning
School Day

I really didn't wanna wake up that morning. I was drained and hurt, and I felt sick. I took a cold shower, put on some camo pants, a purple sweater, purple and white griffeys, and a little gold chain, with my white beanie. I walked downstairs and my mom was at the table, slurring to me. " Hey ba-by. Where you going at this time of night?  " Mom,  Its 6:35 in the morning. I'm going to school. " Oh. well, why are you leaving me, ?" Momma, I gotta go. I can't stay with you. She started crying. "Please Bobby, don't leave me. I'm pregnant with your baby! " I stared at her as she covered her mouth with her hand and collapsed onto the floor. I picked her up bridal style and stuck her into her bed and covered her with a blanket. I kissed her forehead and left out. I know she must be feeling so hurt and sick, she's having flashbacks, thinking I am my own father. I missed my bus, so I started walking , which meant I was late getting there. When I walked into school, Ms. Brown called me over to the desk. " Hey Mr. Superstar. Late today? " Yeah , my mom was uhh- sick. "She eyed me flirtatiously. " I'll let you slide today. Go on,  baby"  She winked at me, making me smile to myself. I wonder what the rest of my day is gonna be like. I walked the halls slowly, and in the corner of my eye, I see a group of girls whispering loudly, staring hard at me. Hey ladies." Heyyyy Kendrick! " they said in unison. Well, I guess being known is not bad after all. In every class, each student either waved, dapped me off, complimented me, or stared me down in every class. By the time lunch rolled around, everyone either knew me, or heard about me. I walked into the lunchroom, and got into line. Suddenly, each person offered me to go ahead, and eventually I got to the front. I got my food and sat alone, like usual. After a few minutes, girls and some dudes sat at the table, crowding me. I couldn't even finish my burger without worrying about them watching me eat. Then, this girl spoke "So new boy , sing your song!" I looked in embarrassment. I'm just trying to eat. Maybe some other time?  " Pleeeeease?!" she said, as others interjected'" Yeah man, sing!" " Go ahead" ! Before I can reply, somebody walked over and interjected. " Leave that nigga alone . If his wack ass don't wanna sing, let his lame ass be. " I looked up at a yellow skinned dude, curly short hair, fangged teeth and some big ass lips. He was dressed in all black, with the latest gamma 11s. I stared in confusion, and spoke up. Who are you? He laughed and smiled, his hand rubbing his chin. "Must not know?  I know my baby told you much about me. I'm Pharaoh Chres , King of fucking Reed High. I run these halls,  meaning no punk ass, swan singing niggas are gonna try to ruin my rep. Got that?" I felt played and infuriated. I stood up, making the table of people gasp. Look, my dude, I don't know who the fuck you are, or why you've decide to come fucking bother me, when I was just tryna eat and leave, but I'm no bitch nigga. Don't tempt me. He looked surprised at my remark, but before he could reply, Khyna and Raquan walked up. " What's going on , somebody told there was gonna be a fight"  Raquan managed to puff out. Chres looked at him, " Nahhh nothing like that. I came over to introduce myself to the new dude, and he tried to rough me up ." Khyna looked at me with shocked eyes, " Kendrick, don't tell me this is true. I thought you'd be a good friend and get along with Chres! " What?  I didn't even do nothing, this bitch came over here, acting all extra cool and shit. Not me!  Chres gasped "Khyna, who do you believe?  He called me a bitch! " Khyna frowned at me. " I can't believe you would try to harm Chres!  What has gotten into you? I cant deal. Cmon Chres, let's go. " She grabbed his hand and stormed off. Raquan stood for a while, shook his head and said " Bruh, I hope this fame shit ain't getting in ya head." He walked off behind his sister. Everyone stared at me. What are you looking at? I was blowed. I threw my trash away and went the remainder of my day, mute. When I got home, my mom wasn't there. I couldn't take Chres and his bummy ass 'tude. I'm so damn done. So Much for being the popular kid...

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