Chapter 6 :Too Early For Jealousy

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The Next Day, I woke up with 3 texts from Khyna. They read " We need to talk." , " Kendrick? I'm sorry for storming off on you.... I was just hurt that you called Chres a bitch." , " I know you're prob sleep, so can I at least walk with you to school?  Raquan is dropping me off. " I wanted to text her back, but I didn't. I hopped in the shower and went looking for my mom. She was cooking in the kitchen. Momma, where were you last night? She smiled as she put the bacon on a big dish. " Oh Kendrick. I was just gonna wake you. Want breakfast? " Yea, but I asked you- gco " I made your favorite, grits, eggs and bacon. " MOM. Say, why you dodging my q?  I asked you where we're you last night. She put down the spatula and looked at me, her hands on her hips.  " Now Kendrick Buddy La Cour,  don't you fucking be questioning me lah boy! Like you my damn daddy or something. I am a grown ass woman, and I can go where I please." She paused , sighed and said " I'm sorry.  I was out with one of my clients, Mr. Goods. I clean his house from time to time, and he offered me a drink down at that bar on Oak. I needed to think, clear my head from all this, so I agreed. " So you out with strange men?  Momma,  he coulda slipped you some lean, Molly, anything! " Kendrick please, he's a real good man. He is self-employed, he said. I guess. I'm still not trusting him, til I see him for myself. She playfully hit me and before I could react, the doorbell rang. I'll get it. I walked to the door, and Khyna was standing there with a little box of candy. " I know you're mad, but please... forgive me. I am sorry for going off, I talked to a friend from school and they said that Chres started the whole thing. I kinda had an argument with him last night, and he won't answer my calls. I bought you this though. " She handed me the candy and we began walking. Look.... Khyna, I'm sorry for getting into it with your dude. He just feeling himself or something. " I know... He's just hard on the outside, but he's not that bad." Yeah. Whateva. We started walking and this little boy threw his ball in her direction. I grabbed her and pulled her from where it almost landed. "Ahhh! " She jerked and fell ontop of me. You ok? " Yea, just scratched my arm. Thanks for saving me! (Lol) It was nothing, just a ball.

Khynas POV

I fell ontop of Kendrick and I had to admit, I never felt this way around  Chres like I am now with Kendrick , actually I never been this close, I mean, he tried but I always said no... He was looking me in my eyes and no matter how hard I told myself to get up, I didn't move... He looked at me. I don't know why, but something in my head is telling me to kiss you, can I? I froze. What do I do? I go with Chres, and although he won't answer my calls, we never broke it off.... But I have an urge to do it. Do I have feelings for him?  " Uh... I. .." He smirked a little, then leaned in. His eyes were closed, so I didn't wanna leave him hanging. I leaned in as well, and our lips met. GOD ALMIGHTY JESUS BUDDAH His lips were so soft and silky, I melted a little, my eyes closed as the passion swelled up inside me. I pulled away, and he looked at me, biting his lip. DIZAYUMM. I had to pray in my mind (Dear Lord, forgive me cause I have sinned with this sexy piece of man sitting under me right now. I hope Chres don't find out but I am in love, I think! ) " Uhhh...... I . We should start walking now. Oh Uh... yea, don't wanna be late.

Kendrick POV

I don't know what has gotten into me.. I really liked Khyna, but I can't do this to her. She's taken and I have to understand that. Any other nigga would try to have at her. Luckily I'm not one of them.

Khynas POV

I admit. Kendrick and I have been getting closer to each other lately. and I really like his personality , but as far as this goes, Chres is my boyfriend and I can't hurt him this way. I'd think it be better if Kendrick and I become distant , so I can fix my relationship.

Kendricks POV

I stared at Khyna's blank expression , on our walk to school. Out of the whole awkward moment, she cleared her throat and spoke. " Kendrick.  I like spending time with you and you're a genuine, sincere guy, but I don't think this is OK." What you mean? Did I do something wrong? Was it the kiss? "No. I enjoyed the kiss." Then what's the issue? She stopped and looked at me. " That's just it! I'm not supposed to enjoy it! I am taken and Chres would be pissed if he knew. " I got bugged at the sound of his name " So?  He's a whole fuckboy... " Kendrick! You mean to tell me you want me to jeopardize 2 years,  over a stupid accident? " I was being kinda sour , so I wanted to fix it before it got any worse. Look Khyna , I'm sorry for acting crazy about this,  and you're right. " Look,  let's just be distant for a while.  I really need to fix my relationship , and with you and I this close,  Chres will freak and I'll lose him. Ill still help you with your career,  but other than that, it's strictly business " She said those words with a blank,  cold-hearted stare.  I guess she meant it. Fuck it. I'll just focus on my music. When we got to school, she looked at me,  smiled,  then walked ahead of me into school. When I got in,  Ms. Brown wrote her a late pass and when she saw me,  she smiled as I walked to her desk. Hey,  Ms. Brown. " Hey love, that your girlfriend? " I smirked. Nahh,  just a friend. Ms.  Brown twisted the pen in her hand and stood up,  poking her chest out. "Good. She's too high class anyways. You need a girl from the ghetto. " Huhh....  Ghetto? I got an idea for another song... Oh thanks Ms. Can I get that pass to class? I am late, right? " No,  boo , just go to class and tell them Ms. Brown said you're excused. " I nodded in her direction as she winked and blew a bubble with the gum she was chewing. On my way to class,  there was this chick banging on her locker,  as if she was trying to get it open. From the back,  She had stupid rediculous curves,  big ol' booty , long straight hair, black with blonde tips to be exact. She had on these loose camo pants, white timbs, a red half-shirt,  with this gold chain wrapped around her upper waist,  and when she turned,  it seemed to be connected to her bellyring. Her stomach was flat,  and she had real big breasts. Her white jacket was tied around her waist. I was in awe. "Excuse me,  do you know how to open lockers? " Her soft voice thrived in my ears. She had this pouty face that was irresistible. I've honestly never seen a girl like her. " Hello? " Oh,  sorry love. Need help? " Yes,  I really need my calculus book" She stood to the side,  still close to me as I got to the locker.  " 12-15-01" I turned the knob various ways and pulled, jiggling it til it opened. TaDahh! She smiled and hugged me.  " Thank you sooo much!  I been trying to open this locker all morning!" No problem,  you know I've got the magic touch. She blushed at me. " So,  you new? What's your name? " Yea,  my name is Kendrick. " La Cour?  So you were the infamous performer at Raquans party. I've heard stuff about you. " I'm nothing special. It was just for a good cause. " I heard... and I'm real sorry about your grandma. Oh,  I'm Treya, btw. " Treya? That's real unique. I like it. " Thanks Kendrick. You're so sweet. " I try. I walked her to class, and when we got there, she gave me her phone and told me to enter my number. After I gave her my number,  I went to class. All day,  Treya ran through my mind. God she was beautiful. Afterschool,  Raquan stopped me on my walk home. " Ayy La brudda come here." I walked to his car. " Hop in" I got in his car.  "I'm sorry for blowing you off the other day. I should've believed you,  Chres is a real hoe ass nigga. Only reason I let him fw her is cause he's quarterback for our football team. Speaking of which,  you should join! We need a wide receiver . You any good ? I played in my young teen years. Not to brag,  but I'm real good on the field. He laughed. " OK,  just audition for the team tomorrow,  so we can get ready for the homecoming game. Aight dawg. He drove me home,  and when I got inside,  l looked for my mom. She must be with Mr. Goods or whatever. I went to the kitchen to fix me something to eat when,  I got a phone call.

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