Chapter 8: too much to handle

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Ryan's POV:
"What the hell happened?? Audrey?!"
I yelled as I found her lying on the floor unconscious.
What happened?
Why did she pass out...?
I quickly grabbed my phone and dialled Morena's phone number.
"Morena! Thank god...okay, okay,"
"Ryan what's wrong?"
"Audrey passed out...I-I found her like this when I got here"
"Oh my god...have you two been-"
"NO! What is your deal man? What should I do?"
"Wait. I'll be there in 5"
I hung up and looked at her,
Was it me?
Did I say something?
I-I-I can't loose her...i....i...
I love her.
When morena came I was praising the Lord like a sinner asking for forgiveness.
"I called 911, they should be here soon"
"Thanks for being here, Morena."
"What are friends for, right?"
I nodded and looked back as the people from the ambulance came, me being Ryan, I don't know what the hell they're called. Meds or something.
They picked up Audrey's body and put her on the bed/table. When they got in the ambulance I also got inside and sat next to her.
"Your gonna be fine...I promise."
"Ryan, I'll be right behind you"
Said morena.
Ryan nodded and we drove away.
25 minutes later,
Audrey's POV:
I was slowly waking up, but I only saw a blur. When I could finally see properly I looked on each and every corner, realisation had finally hit me,
I was in a hospital.
"Hey..hey sweetie.. Hey my mini chimichanga"
His voice was starting to break..this means...
He was gonna cry.
That's so rare.
He's always a goofball, he never cries.
I was out of breath.
Why couldn't I breathe?
And that's the last thing I remember,
Me passing out...again.
*a few hours later*
"W-what kind?"
"Lung cancer"
" long does she have?"
"Only a few months, this is a very risky stage of her cancer, she must be careful. Obviously she will remain here for a few weeks, but when she's discharged, she cannot live alone."
"I...I-I understand. Thank you doctor."
Ryan came to the room, and was tearing up. He didn't know she was awake, so he started banging on the wall.
"God, DAMMIT!!...oh Aud-...oh my god..."
He started crying softly.
Audrey didn't fully hear what they said, but apparently it was something serious.
He looked back and wiped his eyes quickly.
"Audrey! Oh god, your awake!"
"What did the doctor say?"
He paused.
"What did he say, Ryan."
"Audrey...I don't know how to say ha-...oh have L-Lung cancer"
She couldn't believe it.
" I don't"
He started crying, so did she.
"H-H-H-How long D-Do I have?"
He stopped and looked at her.
"A few months, but your not alone Audrey. I'm here for you. Morena's here for you. We all are, you know that right?"

I love you.

                  To be continued...

Authors note:
Hey guys...I'm actually crying. I really love this character. Did you think she was gonna have cancer?
How do you like the cliffhanger?
Please comment on the chapter and add my story to your list. Thank you for your time. Lots of love❤️
P.S I don't know the stages of lung cancer I'm sorry
I'm not offending anyone it's just for the story! Again, thanks for your time!

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