Chapter 24: Dear lord have mercy

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"Why isn't she here yet?"
"There's probably traffic honey"
"Yeah but I called her 4 times and she didn't answer!"
"Calm down, Ryan. I'm sure she's fine"
My mom tried to comfort me, but it wasn't working.
I was pacing back and fourth holding my daughter in my arms.

Audrey never did this.

She'd always call if something went wrong....
I had to go.

"Mom, take care of Lilly, I gotta go"
"Ryan wait, don't go yet-"
I snapped at her, I felt bad for doing it, but I was loosing my mind.

"...okay, go. careful honey"

"I will, i love you"

I said as I got out of the house.

34 minutes later...

On the way to the supermarket, I couldn't believe my eyes,

There was a bad car accident.

It couldn', no.

I started panicking as I got out of the car, it was the EXACT same car my wife, no it couldn't be.
I got out of my car and ran to the nearest ambulance...until someone stopped me.
"Excuse me sir, who are you?"
He asked, he couldn't see my face because I was wearing a disguise.
"I-I think that's...My wife"
I stopped as I saw a body.
"Could you describe her to me?"
"She has uh, brown hair, 5 foot 4, she was W-Wearing a-"
The police officer stopped me. This just can't be happening.

"Sir, I am so so sorr-"

I said sternly.
He looked at me.
"It can't be..."
"Would you uh, would you like to confirm, sir?"
He asked me sadly.
I nodded and went over to the body....
Oh my was her.

" Audrey no! P-Please baby..."

(Now, this is where me, Natalie the writer, takes over...)

Ryan sobbed as he held the hand of his deceased wife.

"Audrey P-Please C-Come back to me have to save her, please help her!"

Ryan demanded.

"I'm sorry sir, there's nothing else we could do. Believe me we've tried, I am so so sorry for your loss"
Said the nurse.
"Oh my god...Oh god NO!!"
Ryan yelled throwing his hands in the air, he took his phone out of his pocket and dialled his moms number:

" it's A-Audrey...she...she's..."
"No...Ryan sweetheart, she's not-"
"She is! Mom she didn't survive the crash..."
"Dear lord have mercy on the soul of Audrey Reynolds, dear lord have mercy on the soul of Audrey Reynolds..."
Ryan dropped his phone and fell on his knees, he started sobbing to himself.
Ryan's heart was officially broken since he lost the live of his life, Ryan will never be normal ever again. He lost her, for good.
4 hours later...

Ryan was in the hospital with his wife, she was in the morgue. Yes, she is announced officially dead after hundreds of tests.

I know,
Ryan couldn't believe it either.

His parents came, along with his older brothers and his daughter, Lily.
He just stared in front of him, not paying attention to anything. 
Even some friends came over, like Morena, TJ, Tim, Janine and Ed.
They all tried comforting him, although they were as broken as he was.
his mom said.
"Ryan honey...we have to plan the funeral"
"I don't want to talk about that now"
"Okay, whenever you feel comfortable"
"Thank you"
She nodded and looked at her granddaughter again.
My oh my, the poor child, she's gonna live without her mother.
Ryan knew he was never gonna be happy again, but he felt bad for his daughter, most of all.

I'm sorry, Lily.

Authors note:
Hello guys. How did you like this chapter? God bless Audrey...although she's a made-up character, I feel bad for Ryan and Lily. Do you think he'll ever be happy again? Or will he grieve over Audrey's death? Please comment and vote on my story, I would love to know what you think!
(Warning; next chapter might be the finale)
Until then my beloved readers....
thanks for reading, love, the writer, Natalie❤️

The Confession (Ryan Reynolds fanfiction) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें