My Husband's Girlfriend (Watty Awards 2012)

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I stared at the sea, at the vast expanse without an end  as I walked towards it. I felt numb, like an empty shell but the sea beckoned and I walked ahead...

I really had no reason to live... there was no point living alone

At least the sea would embrace me. Surely it would..

* * *


I was walking on the beach, collecting my thoughts and emotions. I had finally moved in with the love of my life and the happiness was only just beginning to sink in. He was my prince charming. Albeit a little old for me, over 20 years actually but he was all that I had ever dreamed my man to be.

Loving, honest, charming and mature. He had the looks and the emotions, was just the perfect blend. It was as if those mushy romance books were all true; as if there really was a love story for every girl. At least there was for me.

I sighed and stared at the ocean. The deep blue green sea, the sea gulls, the white sand and a lone woman walking towards the deep end. Everything seemed to be just perfect.

Wait, a lone woman walking towards the deep end?


"Ma’am. Madam, please stop!" I yelled as I ran as fast as possible to stop her. I had trained to be a lifeguard but that was years ago. Hoping all my survival instincts would kick in, I ran. Running as fast as I could, I dashed into the sea.

She was now neck deep in. The currents were sucking her inside and under. The once friendly ocean was now becoming a formidable enemy. I jumped in and swam, against the current and the strong waves.There really was no choice. I couldn't stand by and  let someone drown.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, I reached her. She wasn't really fighting to live, she had given up. I pulled her out and swam again. It was a tough task. Pulling her weight against the currents. But I refused to lose. I would win.

After what seemed like ages, I finally dragged her to the shore. Heaving and panting we both collapsed. "Why? Why did you save me?" She asked in between breaths. Her voice carried pain as her eyes shone with them.

I pulled her up, we sat together. "Why do you wish to die ma’am? The world is such a beautiful place? It’s criminal to waste life" I sighed softly.

"When you reach the crossroads of life, when you realize that the one person you gave your whole life to wants you out, death is a much better option to life." She whispered sadly.

I couldn't help it, I hugged her tight. Consoling her I said, " Madam, you seem young, what has happened?"

"Young am I? I'm 38 and my husband thinks I'm not fit to be his wife. After 20 years of marriage, he has left me for a young 20 year old. I don't grudge her you know, my man is handsome as hell. But I gave this man my life, now, without him, I have nothing left." She sighed again and quietly sobbed.

"Please tell me ma’am, what has happened?? You are a beautiful woman." I whispered. She was truly a beauty. High cheek bones, golden hair that reached her shoulders, a figure to die for and mesmerising blue eyes. Why would someone leave her? I mused.

"He wanted children, so did I, but I found out that I couldn't conceive. I was devastated and so was he. But the longing for a child made me unworthy for him. Slowly, he began to drift away, till one fine day, he asked me to leave. He is all that I have, now, he had kicked me out too. Why should I live then?” She wailed and my heart broke.

"You know dear, I soon found out some devastating truth too. He has apparently been dating younger girls for years now. He tells them that his wife doesn’t want his children, that he feels unloved and unwanted and he gains their sympathy. Then, whenever I'm away from home, he tells them to shift in with him. There, he...”

* * *

My heart went out to this poor woman, how could life have been so cruel with her. God please give her the strength. Sighing, I waved her goodbye and she walked away, promising to live, to try and survive. I had her number and she had mine. We would keep in touch, I'd know if she was safe.

I sat there, staring at the now blueish purple sky. It was beautiful; a sight to remember. With a start I realized that I was to be at home, with my guy for our first dinner of our new lives.

His house was close by. I had walked up here and was returning back. The back of the house actually stood on this beach. I stood there, for a second, at the door and took a deep breath. I stepped in.

Into my new life.

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