My new life??

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I walked in to find my hunk in the kitchen. He was cooking something delicious. I loved that smell. The smell of spaghetti and meatballs in arrabiata sauce. Something niggled when I saw him, making it for me, whistling a familiar tune, a tune of the song...

No. No. It's just a coincidence. I told myself and walked in. Hugging him from behind, I kissed his back. Even the work shirt couldn't keep his heat off me. Suddenly, I was melting. As quick as lightning, he whipped around and pulled me into a hug. Kissing the top of my head, he whispered, "Will spaghetti and meatballs in arrabiata  sauce do? It's the only thing I know to cook." He whispered against my ear.

I shivered. Not from love and lust but from fright. 2 no, 3 coincidences? Almost too much right.

Shaking my head again, I stepped back,"I'd love it, sweetie," I whispered and looked around.

"Will Wine do? I have your favorite red." He said and I felt my palms get sweaty.

"Yeah, " I croaked out and he looked at me.

"What's the matter my love?" He whispered and I shook my head again.

"Nothing really, just tired." I said in a small voice.

Smiling, he patted my head and cheekily said, "Well my little child, why don't you go go and rest? Second room on the landing has been prepared for my little girl." He winked and I felt my heart thud.

I loved this man. I knew he loved me too. But this was not right, something was fishy. Too fishy.

I nodded meekly and left. His words still resounding in my ears. "Little girl, child, my little girl, my child." They kept taunting me. More so was the wink and the grin. It was truly unsettling.

I reached the room he had said and stopped short in my tracks. At the door.

The bed inside the room was decorated with rose petals. On the middle of the bed lay a silk, net, barely there confection. On it, lay a pearl set. There most exquisite sight ever.It was an intricate design with hundreds of tiny diamonds covering it.

Pearls and diamonds. "A pact of beauty and trust as well as for commitment," whispered Mark from behind me. Yes Mark, my man, the one I love from the bottom of the heart.

He held my waist as I shivered. This was getting more eerie by the minute. He was doing just like...

He held my face in his hands and kissed me softly.

"I want our first night as a proper couple to be the best. I have taken the liberty of organizing a little dress and food for you. I hope you like it."

I stared at him. Too stunned to speak, I merely nodded. This couldn't be happening. Nope. Not happening.

He led me to the dresser and pulled out a ring. It was a pearl ring. Simple yet expensive. "It belongs to my mother, I hope you accept this as a token of my love." He whispered and I choked.


It can't be true!! NO!!

What should I do? What she said?

What happens next?

"Uhmm, love? I love this ring. Could you please step out? So I can change? Please?" I whispered. Too scared to really speak.

"Of course my love. Till then I'll play the old records. Would The Beatles do? Should I pour the wine already? I also have cheese and strawberries for you. Just the way you like it." Saying so, he swept past me and the bedroom and walked on without a backward glance.

Oh God!! What have I gotten myself into? I thought but to no avail.

I had to make a decision soon.


My Husband's Girlfriend (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now