UH?? Help some one??

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I was staring at the closed door. No. I couldn't believe this!. This shouldn't be happening. Should I wear that little piece of lace? Should I go downstairs looking like a candy?

"Men at 40 like young girls... They like to feel as if they are in charge, as if, they are still the rakes they were at 20. Some become like leeches. Like..."

Cold sweat broke out. No. No.

"Little girl. Come my child... oh my little girl... hahaha..." I could hear Mark's teasing laugh.

The world started spinning and in fear of collapsing, I sank on the bed. The rose petals under my hand made me jump.

I sat up straight and jumped off the bed. Pulling out my tote from the shelf next to the vanity I made a firm decision. Flicking open my cell I dialed for a taxi. "Hello, could you please send someone urgently to the beach... yeah. 48th beach road..." I shut it with a snap and made my resolve stronger.

I would have to distract him for 15 minutes. Taking a deep breathe, I carried my bag downstairs.

"Hey love, come out and sit in the porch." I heard Mark call out.

"Ummm... Mark, I cannot stay here tonight..." I spoke softly, fearing his outburst. None came and I relaxed a bit.

Maybe, just maybe it was all a coincidence.

"Why?" He asked softly and I almost melted.

"By force or coercion... such a man will have you where he wants you..." Spoke that sad voice in my head.

A chill went through my spine and I stiffened.

"I'm sorry to ruin your plans... Pray tell me, what else you had in mind?" I spoke softly, placating him.

"I don't know why you have to go. I had planned a romantic candlelit dinner here and then champagne by the hearth. I thought we would make love in the pool." He whispered, eyes full of unconcealed pain and love.

Oh Dear God!!! Save me! I prayed. This was too much to overlook. Just too much.

"Mark, My love, I think, I should leave. You see, my Nana is ill and I just received a call from the old age home. I must rush." I beseeched him.

Nodding he whispered as he pulled me into a hug," You are right. Why don't I come with you? You will need support and I could meet her too." He smiled a little.

Oh God NO...

"No Mark, please understand. Ummm... I mean the age difference between us is vast. I cannot let her see us like this. Perhaps, when she is alright? I will call you. Please?" I begged and my cell rang cutting off his reply.

The cab had arrived.

Picking up my tote I hurried towards the door.

"Bye Mark, my cab is here, I must leave. Love you.... Please forget me."

I dashed out and into the cab. Mark looked too stunned to react.

Me getting in the cab must have shoved some sense in him. He ran after me and banged on the window.

"Love please... please don't leave me." He begged and I shivered.

No... I shook my head," I have to go."

"Is this because of the age difference?" He asked angrily, his handsome face now masked with fury.

I shivered in my seat but refused to budge.

"Driver, please get me out now," I almost yelled and the good Samaritan pressed his foot on the accelerator.

We drove off, into the sunset, into my freedom.

Such a lucky escape. Thank God!

* * *


What the hell? She got cold feet because I am too old?

God! What did I do?

I turned back into the house and sat down on the porch. The ocean a witness of my sorrow, the sand watching me cry but the wine, the wine a true friend in need. My support.

* * *

My Husband's Girlfriend (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now