But Why should I???

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Love you people for your support.....

Thank you for taking it to 13th on suspence....

PLease continue supportying it....

not much left now....

probably a chapter or so......



Marisa's POV:

I stiffened as his arms came around me. I wasn't his property. He had no right to behave like this. I struggled free and turned to look at him. He looked hurt, rejected and in pain. Good. Serves him right for hurting me.
"I'm sorry Mark, but now that you are up, I should be leaving." I whispered as I bent to keep my mug on the coffee table.
"Going?? " He choked out. "Going where my love?" He asked in pain.
"Home" I sighed. " I should best be leaving."
"What! NOO" he almost yelled and pulled me into his arms. "You can't leave me love." He whispered and I stared at him.
"Why? When you had no qualms of leaving me, why can't I leave you? In fact, why should I want to be with you? You came back to me because your girl left you. So what does that make me?? Second goods? Sorry. I don't want you." I said as firmly as possible.
"No. NO. PLease Mari. PLease. You were never the second believe me. When I drifted off to her, I did because I could. She stared at me as if I was God and I couldn't help but live in that power. It was a heady sensation. I'm so very sorry." He whispered and I shook my head.
"No Mark, you did this, and you came back only because she thought you were too old for her isn't it? What guarantee I have that you won't do this again? After all, you don't love me do you? You never have.." I whispered the last line.
It always pained me to think that he didn't love me.  He never did? Ever?
"No Mari, please listen to me. I know I made a mistake, I know I left you in hell. But please, please trust me. I didn't mean to. I lost my senses for a bit there. I do love you. I realised it late. Very late. But I do."
"Hahahaha. You love me is it?? Pray tell me when did you realise it?" I asked in sarcasm. "Don't use words to make me trust you. It's over Mark. " I whispered as my heart broke into a million little pieces.
"No NO!" he almost yelled. "It's not OVER! I won't let it get over. We have 20 years of our life to fall back on. A week of nonsensical indiscretion will not wipe it away. I didn't sleep with her and you know it!" He was trying hard to keep his voice down.
"You didn't sleep with her because she ran away and not because you didn't want to. You would have happily slept with her." I accused him.
"Yes, yes you are right. I would have. But when she  ran, my ego got hurt. Totally hurt. You know what I wanted then? I wanted you. Your arms around me, telling me you love me. I called you here because I needed you and not some quick roll in the sack. Didn't you feel something last night? Something huge shift inside you? As if you would never ever be the same?" He asked softly as his finger grazed my cheeks,
"No Mark! I need some time to think. I won't be forced into this relation again. All because you want to or feel that you love me doesn't mean that you do." I said.
"NO? It doesn't? I admit I was an ass. I admit I never realised my feelings for you. I admit I only called the magic between us being best friends but never realised when our friendship became my lifeline. You became my heart and I was easy to leave you for a chit. When she left, I needed you. When I called you, I was literally ready to beg you to come back. I'm myself only for you. Only you my love."
"Very well Mark. I need time to think. I really don't know what to say. All I will tell you is that I am scared. Scared to trust you again. I wanted a family you know, kids, a man who loved me. I never got all that. Now, if I find a man who could give me all this, why would I want to come back to you?" I asked, tears finally making their presence felt.
"Marissa?? I beg of you. Please. I promise to make every dream of yours come true. I promise. We will have kids and you will have a loving husband. Promise," He whispered as he knelt down in front of me, hold my wedding ring that he took out from the chain in his neck.
He placed it in my finger and I could remember the vows made on our wedding come back to life.
"....Together always.... in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer.... till death do us apart."
I wore his ring again but I stepped back. "Mark, I need some time to think, to sort out my thoughts and emotions. I want to go to the beach. Okay? I'll see you in a while?" I asked and he nodded knowing there wasn't much he could do now.
I turned around and walked down the stairs leading me to the beach. The calm blue water, the peaceful white sand and the softly smiling sun made feel feel secured in an instant..

I needed to think.........................

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