The Morning After.........

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Marisa's POV:

I got out of bed and crept into the kitchen downstairs. Mark had always been a light sleeper and I hated waking him up in the mornings. He had always looked so innocent in sleep. I smile slyly grew upon me as I remembered his not so innocent ministrations to my body last night.

Suddenly, I remembered the events leading upto last night and a frown covered the smile. I was just a warm body to him last night. Nothing else. Sighing sadly, I made my way to the percolator and switched it on. I needed my daily coffee fix to ensure an active brain.

My cell buzzed and I ran to answer it. I didn't want Mark answering anything in his sleep.

I crept out towards the patio again and answered. "Hello" I whispered. Knowing and feeling weird because I knew deep down who was calling me.

"Miss Marissa?" Asked an uncertain soft voice. An involuntary smile threatened to break through my barriers.

"Yes, may I know who is speaking?' I asked softly, trying to infuse sadness in my voice.

"It's me, Lindsey, the girl from the beach," she explained.

"Hello Lindsey." I answered uncertainly. "How are you?? And your new life?"

"Ma’am, I called to apologize. Last night... last night I realised that the person I was dating happened to be your husband. I ran out there and then ma’am. I am currently single and in no relation whatsoever with your pedophile of a husband." She claimed as her voice got progressively stronger.

“This is awful Lindsey. I sincerely hoped you would be in an excellent relation with your prince charming. I apologise for breaking your dreams." I whispered  softly.

"Ma’am, I have resigned, effective from today. I was wondering if you could help me??" She asked uncertainly.

"Of course I will. Where are you now?" I asked with some authority.

"I am at home and am planning to go abroad for a few months, To lay low, away from him." She whispered.

"Drive to the airport. There, on the ticket counter, 2 tickets to China will await you. There will also be a man awaiting you with further instructions and a job. Accept it. He will show you the ins and outs of your job. Same profile as the current one. Including a signed contract. Please read carefully before signing. Goodbye and Good luck." I signed out.

"Goodbye Marissa, all the best and thank you." were her last words to me.

I dialled another number and gave concise instructions.

It seemed as if the Gods were favouring me.


Lindsey's POV:

I caught a cab to the airport. It was a huge decision but an important one. It was so much better that I left. I was thanking God and the wonderful Marisa for saving me from that monster. He was a total pedophile. It's a shame I didn't realise earlier.

I remembered our conversation. Marisa's and mine. On the beach, after I rescued her.

She had claimed he was cheating her. Then, she began to cry. "I lied Lindsey. Fact is, I am ashamed of my husband. As men grow old, they like to prove to themselves that they are young. Some take up dangerous sports while some become like my husband. His  hobby is dating young naive girls and dumping them after months of sex. He likes to know that he still has power over them." She sobbed in my arms and I felt bile rise up my throat.

How could someone be this sick!!

She explained his modus operandi to me and I totally flipped at the thought of such a bastard.

"Why are you still with him?" I asked as she tried to collect herself.

"I am not. It's just the shame that is killing me. Seeing him use young gullible women. The new one wanted to move in with him not letting him move in with her so he kicked me out. " She whispered  as a sole tear trickled down.

We hugged each other as she told me all this. Taking solace from me as I held her, begged her to start life afresh. We exchanged numbers and she wished me luck as I told her about my hero. I said mine was a gem. He treated me with love and respect, he was sure of himself. He didn't need young girls to boost his ego.

Imagine my horror then when I saw Mark, my sweet old Mark doing exactly what she had said her husband did. That's when I realised who Mark really was. Marissa's husband!

I am so much better off without him.

China, here I come...


Marisa's POV:

I sat my cell on the coffee table and picked up my steaming hot mug again. I stared at the vast blue ocean. I remembered my conversation with Mark

He came home late that night. Drunk.

"Mari, darliiiiiin....." He slurred.

"Your drunk ??I said as I rushed to hold him. He was staggering.

"Mari, I'm in love. She works with me. Please Mari... please I want to be with her.." He slurred and ripped my heart out.

"Who is she???" I whispered

"She is Lindsey, works in my office...." He slurred.

I felt like a loser. 20 years of marriage and he could turn around and say he loved someone else? What about me? My sacrifices? My love??

The very next day I walked out.

He asked me not to but I couldn't stay. Not after last night.

He wanted to be friends. After all we were best friends for over 20 years. I wanted to say no. But I found myself agreeing.

I loved him. Always had. How could I say no to him? Not even last night, when he took me.

I know I should feel violated and used but I knew he never slept with Lindsey.

"Mari!! Baby " I heard Mark's velvety voice as he came up from behind me as he hugged me close.

He hugged me as if I belonged to him..........

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