Chapter II: Last Moments of Freedom

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Banjo and I landed on the hilly city streets as we continued our escape from the military's pursuit. We skateboarded down the hill using the part we ripped off the helicopter; we tried our best to avoid the cars driving along the street for we didn't want to hurt ourselves anymore than we already were. We ditched the board and ran through the city, hoping no one would catch us as we continued on.

"Banjo, how much longer do you think we'll have to run from the government?", I asked, panting heavily from trying to keep us with his unreal speed. 

"I'm not sure Dixie, but I'm pretty sure Uncle Akiro is working his hardest to get this investigated and get us acquitted of these unrealistic charges. Until then, though, we'll just have to keep running."

We stopped for a brief moment and with this pause, I finally opened my backpack and gave him his armband. I pulled out my sword and shield in hopes that I wouldn't be forced to use it on military staff. I gave him a black hoodie to put on and I slipped on the other black one. We heard the sirens getting closer so we took off running in the opposite direction. Before we knew it, we had nearly left the city, but before we could begin breathing easier, a massive military tanker truck began chasing after us!

"You have got to be kidding me! Does the military even have the funding to waste on something as big and unnecessary as that?", I bemoaned as we picked up the pace.

"It doesn't matter if they do of if they don't, they are sending it after us which means they are starting to get desperate. Matter of fact, we are too so let's make this more interesting!"

Banjo scooped me into his hands and began moving at speeds that had to be illegal somewhere in the world. It was a mad convoy race throughout the city streets as the truck continued its insane pursuit of us. Banjo kept on boosting but the truck somehow kept up with us; we were getting more and more pessimistic until we saw an underpass. 

"Banjo, kick your speed up even more! I don't think that truck can make it under the clearing, it's too big!"

"Gotcha Dixie, just hang on tight! Things are about to get really exciting!"

We were barely able to make it to the underpass and just as I hypothesized, the truck couldn't make the clearing and crashed. We ran out of the capitol's city limits and headed for anywhere that could be a safe haven. Hopefully, this would all blow over soon...

~Present Time~

"Damnit, do these jerks know when to quit?!? They're after us again Dixie! We have got to get going!", Banjo screamed, snapping me back to reality. I picked up my stuff and took off running, all the while grabbing my stomach as the pain was becoming unbearable. We continued running until we reached a dead end. We could only wait for our pursuers to catch up... but no one appeared. A robot appeared in front of us instead of a person.

"This is O.N.I Mobile Unit 2479; Blue "Banjo" Onikawa, Dixie Shiryu, put your hands up and come peacefully. if you do, you will not be hurt in any way. Do not resist or the consequences will be dire.", the pilot of this metal monstrosity said over a loudspeaker.

" Hey looks like the military took Uncle Akiro's idea for making mechas for the soldiers to use in high pressure situations! I thought it would still be a few years off though. Oh well, if you wanna rock and roll with us, you're gonna hafta be on your A game because as you should know, we are two of the best fighters in our clan!", Banjo said with that smirk on his face.

"Yeah, you best bring the best you can muster, because we aren't gonna go down so easily. We'll make sure to leave our calling card after we destroy you!", I said, clearly hiding my pain and confusion behind a bunch of false bravado.

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