Chapter VI: The Guardian and the Beauty ~Medallion Canyon~

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~On Angel Island, Approximately One Week Earlier - Locke~

“Who are you and what are you doing on this island? I've never seen you around here before in all of my time watching over this island”, Luigi said, standing next to the Key of the Chaos Force, which is a giant medallion placed inside of the door. Before us was a girl we had never seen ever in our lives; she has silver hair, piercing ice blue eyes, and she stood like a mature woman but she looked like she was only about 16 or 17. She wore a black dress with matching black heels and black polished fingernails.

“I want that medallion that you have there. I believe it would look good in my collection of precious metals and jewels. Give it up nice and easy and there will be no violence brought upon your life today little boy”, the girl said, looking seductively at my son.

“Are you stupid or something girl? You can't have this treasure! That is the Medallion of Aurora; it has special powers that negate the Chaos Energy output of the Eight Phases of Hojo themselves and keeps the door to the Chaos Realm shut; that is what makes this medallion different from others”, he explained. Luigi's body had not yet returned to normal, and thus, he was still stuck in a child's body. Luckily for us, I was able to retrain him in the manipulation of Chaos Energy; he's nowhere near where he once was, but I figured that something was better than nothing at this point. Suddenly, I felt an evil aura engulf the area; I looked up and saw that the medallion was being lifted away!

“What the...? Thief!”, the girl exclaimed.

“What irony this is, because look whose calling who a thief. It's like the pot is calling the kettle black”, I said, laughing at the palpable irony of her words. The one trying to take off with the medallion turned out to be none other than that tramp, Hana Akitoki!

“Hehehehe so this is the Medallion of the Goddess Aurora. I came here following immense energy spikes in the area. I heard that it has the power to quell the Phases when they get too strong. I think I'll take this for me and Akihito to use to speed up our recovery.”

“So you're still alive huh Hana? I thought Dixie took care of you last month?”

“So that's the woman hated around the world, Hana Akitoki. She doesn't look very impressive in person...”

“Alive or not, I can't let you take that off of this island! I'll stop you here and now if that is what must be done!”

Luigi jumped into the air in pursuit of Hana; he wasn't able to retrieve the medallion but he shattered it instead with one mighty blow from his Deep Impact Punch. Hana screamed out in sheer frustration as she was unable to get away in time while the mystery girl screamed for a slightly different reason.

“What in the hell was all that about huh?”, she said as she grabbed Luigi by the collar and began violently shaking him. “Who is that woman, Hana Akitoki? And look what you did to my medallion!”

“I did what I had to do to keep the medallion from falling into Akitoki hands you moron”, he calmly said, smacking her hands off of his shirt. “If the medallion is in pieces, my father and I can restore it to its original state and by the by, that doesn't belong to you!”

“I am the number on treasure hunter in the world, Yomi Ashitoki! Everything of worth in this world, be it diamonds, gems, or regular old jewelry, are mine to keep!”

“Yeah well I'm Luigi Onikawa, Guardian of the island and the door that leads to the Chaos Realm and I think that we'll be seeing about that old hag!”

~In the Present Time, in a canyon-filled region – Luigi~

“Luigi, my calculations lead me to believe that we have found the area where the signal is coming from. It's weak, but I can sense 3 pieces of the medallion here. Let's head out and see if I'm right”, Dad said as we walled though a rugged canyon. I brought Dad along because my ability to sense Chaos Energy hasn't fully recovered yet. We climbed and searched throughout the entire area until we found that they were all in one area.

“Thank Aurora this mission became easier! Alright, let's take the medallion pieces and get outta here!”, I happily exclaimed as I started to run towards the signal. Before I got anywhere, however, Dad grabbed my arm and stopped me.

“Don't move at all Luigi! I can sense them.... members of the Legion! I thought that you and the Dixie girl killed every member last month?”

“I guess we didn't. So Dad, how will we go about getting the jerks out of our way?” He motioned me to move forward; I did and I was able to see 4 useless grunts holding a box that emanated with the energy of the medallion shards and they were with Lien, one of the heads of the entire faction. I ran out and confronted them all alone; I want those shards back!

“Little boy, you really shouldn't be out here, us grown ups are doing very important things, like taking these shards and selling them on the black market for a pretty penny!”, Lien said to me in a very condescending tone. She was all banged up and looked like she just broke out of a prison cell.

“You don't remember me do you Lien? I'm Luigi Onikawa, Guardian of that very medallion that you have in that box! Hand them over and you won't get hurt, I swear it!”

“Oh, so you're the petty little Guardian that put the hurt on the Legion a month ago? Last time I saw you, you were golden and magnificent! Look at you now; you're all small and pathetic. Go home and grow a pair kid. You can't hope to take me on with such a low Chaos Energy output.”

I took immediate offense to those comments; I felt my temper flare more than it ever had before as I swung at Lien's face; she dodged effortless and blasted me in the face with an energy blast. I flew backwards but was able to recover; I knew I didn't have any of my game-changer energy attacks so I decided to use my Deep Impact Punch. I blinked once and saw everyone knocked unconscious on the ground. I looked and saw that Dad was carrying the chest Lien's henchmen was holding a second ago.

“Dad... how did you do that? All I did was blink and they're all...!”

“Now isn't the time to be asking silly questions! Luigi, you know you did the wrong thing in that situation! You are not to directly engage opponents in your current condition; you could've gotten yourself killed!”

“I get it Dad, you don't have to lecture me every single time I do something you don't agree with. I mean, in order for me to get strong again, I have to do things like that. I want to get my body back the way it was....”

Dad ignored everything I said so he could open the lock on the chest; he was able to pop it open and took the shards out.

“Come on son, we still have a lot of work to do. We still have a lot of shards to find.”

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