Chapter XI: All Eyes On Lockdown Alley

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~5 AM On the island in the northwestern sea two days later, Miles~

"I guess I should be lucky that my brothers and father didn't decide to take up this kind of training regimen, or else I wouls have died long ago...", I said as I fell down to one knee. My clothes were tattered and torn, my shirt and flightjacket were almost completely hanging off my torso.

"I really enjoyed this experience! I wish we could keep this up, but I can barely stand up or see...", Yamanako enthusiastically said as he dropped to all fours, bleeding from his forehead and mouth. He looked like he really loved the training. His clothes were as tattered as mine was, maybe even worse.

"The both of you have come so far in such a short amount of time. I must say, I am quite proud of you two. You live up to your respective Phases, The Prophet and The Avenger", the man said as he handed us a change of clothes. "Go get changed. I'll be waiting here for you both."

We took the clothes and went off behind a separate pair of bushes and began to change; I thought to myself the while time, wondering what were the true motivations of this hooded man? Why did he waste the past couple days training us, bringing out our full potential? What was his real identity? All this questions swirled around inside my head as I finished dressing; I was wearing exact replicas of the clothes I wore here! I came from behind the bushes and saw Yamanako waiting for me with the man

"It is finally time for us to head off to Lockdown Alley. I know that my training of the both of you took a lot of time off from rescuing Banjo and Dixie, but I feel that once we arrive there, we may run into trouble of some kind..."

"No... I know for certain that we will have danger waiting for us... My ability to predict the future is kicking in", I said, looking at the man.

"Then all three of us should be on our guard as we explore the island. Don't be afraid to ask me for help, understand?"

"Don't worry old man! You might be strong and taught us a lot these past couple days, but we are Hojo's Chosen! We can take care of it ourselves!", Yamanako boasted.

"Alright then young Avenger, shall we be off to our destination now?" We flew into the air and continued onto the Alley.

~In the northern seas near Lockdown Alley, Kanu~

As I fly, I gaze down at the sparkling blue sea; I am amazed at how beautiful the water still is. I thought all of the wars our three clans have ahad would negatively affect the world, but it hasn't... Enough of the environmental BS, I'm worried about my daughter! I'm with Lord Akiro's children, Little Akiro and Akira. I could feel their strength emanating around me even though I was a good ten feet ahead of them. I knew it was a good idea to bring them along with me in my weakened state!

"How much farther do we have to go before we reach the island Miss Shiryu?", Little Akiro yelled out to me.

"Not too much farther you two. I'm starting to sense familiar Chaos Energy readings... I think I can sense the bear's brother and his companion near the island and...." I nearly choked on my words as the third energy reading felt far too familiar to me. It could't be who I thought it was... He should be dead...

"Lady Kanu? Are you alright over there?", Akira asked me as she caught to me to check on me.

"I'm alright dear, thank you for asking. Anyway as I was saying, we should be at Lockdown Alley in about one hour."

"Wait, since sunrise is in about 30 minutes, we are going to do this under the rising sun? What is the point of even attepting to do this?", Little Akiro tried his hardest to understand.

"It's quite simple; no one would see it coming. I predict that most of the personnel on the island will be asleep and very few guards would be awake at sunrise guarding her and her boy toy. This would be the perfect time to strike, but remember, the both of you have to be my offence and my defense with my body out of commission like this."

"Akira and I can do that, I just really hope this plan of gurrella tactics works out as well as you planned it, Miss Shiryu..."

~5:45 AM Sunrise On Lockdown Alley, Akitoki~

"I didn't want to ever return here again! This is not my idea of a vacation, but I guess there is no other choice.... Alright then everyone, it's time for the mission to begin!", I said as I saw first light break across the sky. Hana, Tressa, Shadow, and Yomi gathered around me in a huddle. Tressa was able to use some weird power to heal Hana and myself of our injuries, so we were able to move around more freely now.

"Hana, you will stay with me and we will distract the military forces here on the island. We will make sure they do not detect any activity from the others, got it?"

"If it means I get to kill and destroy things, then I am all for it and you know it baby!", Hana said affirmitively as she grinned from ear to ear.

"Yomi, you will sneak inside of the base for capture this-" I pulled out a picture from my back pocket that had a wrist mounted gauntlet on it. I handed it to Yomi and continued speaking. "The device in the picture has the power to amplify my ability to absorb the powers of the 8 Phases. It will be monumentally helpful in our mission to power the Darkened Mirror. Now for you two..." I looked at Shadow and Tressa as I pulled some explosives from my pocket. "The both of you will plant these all over the island and when everything is said and done, we will blow this place up sky high and get away without any trace left behind!"

"How much time do we have to complete the mission Lord Akitoki?", Yomi asked in a somewhat monotone voice.

"We only have one hour to pull this off! We cannot afford any mistakes, so try not to mess this up! Now, head out!" Everyone split off in different directions as Hana followed in behind me; no mistakes cannot made!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2012 ⏰

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