Chapter VIII: Shadow Movement: The Training from Hell

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~Abord the Space Colony Sigma, Tressa~

So much time has passed by since Shadow and I roamed through these hallways and passages. We walked all throughout the colony as we waited for Akitoki and his insufferable wife to arrive here so we could begin our ultimate plan. Humanity has had far too much time to grow and play around, knowing what sins they committed to the people that once lived and worked here!

"Tressa-sama, are you sure that this is the right course of action for us to take? I'm sure there are other, more effective means for us to use to get our point across", Shadow said as I stared out of one of the windows, gazing at the Earth.

"No Shadow-sama, there is no other way. Those selfish humans will all pay for the crimes they perpetrated upon us! We will be their judge, jury, AND executioners! What we did to them a few days earlier was nothing more than a taste of what I have in store for them!"

~Before the First Encounter... ~

"I think we might stick out like a sore thumb Tressa-sama", Shadow said to me as we walked down the city streets. We found ourseleves in this huge, strange city called New Mobotopolis; all of this buildings disgusted me! I just wanted to destroy everything in sight, but Shadow argued that we should try to keep a low profile. I begrudgedly agreed as we headed out to find anyone with Phase Powers.

"Mommy mommy, look! It's Lady Dixie and Master Banjo!", an annoying little girl shouted out to her mother. "They must be doing their daily stake out of the city!" She waved at us as I gave her a disgusted look in return. As we continued to walk through the city, more and more people called us by the wrong names.

"Excuse me, Banjo Onikawa and Dixie Shiryu? Could I please have your autograph?"

"Dixie, I have a sword and shield just like you do now! Could you show me how to use them correctly?"

"Banjo my man! Could you show me more of that supersonic speed and fighting skills you have man?"

I really began to get annoyed by all of this unnessesary noise and chaff; who are all of this people and why do they keep calling us by the wrong names?!? My anger began to become clearly visible when-

"Tressa-sama, calm down. We do not want to cause any unnessesary problems", Shadow said as he gripped my right shoulder.

"Fine, whatever you want Shadow-sama, but these humans will get theirs soon enough...", I said as I walked away. "We should find some place to hide out until night time, being around during the day time hours is aggravating me to no end."

"Alright, let's find and hotel or something. Will that satisfy you Tressa-sama?"

"I guess it will do for now. Let's get going already."

We crossed the street as more people called us by the wrong name; this was really beginning to piss me off! We walked into a hotel where it looked like hundreds of people were walking around aimlessly. I walked over to the service counter and tried to get Shadow-sama and I a room.

"Excuse me, could we please have a room for a few hours?", I asked the woman who was behind the counter.

"Why yes you- Oh my god! Are you Dixie Shiryu and Banjo Onikawa?!?", the woman shieked in excitement.

"I'm sorry, but I do not know the people you speak of-"

"Yes you are! But why are you two cosplaying? Can't you just walk around in your normal clothes? There aren't any anime conventions going on right now. By the way, what are you two dressed as anyway?"

Before I knew what happened, I turned around and everyone was staring at us. I could feel my facial expression grow angrier and angrier; I wanted all of these people to just die already!

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